Читать книгу Be My Forever Bride - Martha Kennerson - Страница 17


Chapter 6

Three days had passed since Brooke finally accepted the fact that her life as Brice Kingsley’s wife was over. There would be no more long walks in the park, getting lost in museums for hours on the weekends, intimate dinners or him loving her...making love to her. She missed his touch desperately. Brooke found herself struggling with how to keep her emotions in check whenever Brice was around. He, on the other hand, had clearly moved on. The few times she’d seen him over the last few days, he was nothing but professional and extremely polite. It was making her nuts.

Brooke was staring down at the spreadsheet she had been trying to make sense of for the last hour when she felt a tap on her shoulder. “Excuse me, Brooke.”

She flinched and looked up. “Damon, you startled me.”

“Sorry. I called your name twice. You must have really been concentrating on those numbers. Find anything interesting?”

I was concentrating all right, only on the wrong things. “Not at all. What did you need?”

“I just want you to know I’m going to take the final first-quarter summaries up to Mr. Kingsley for review.”

Brooke finally noticed the red folder he held in his hand. She rose from the chair, slipped her feet back into the red Prada shoes she’d paired with a red-and-white print short-sleeve dress and presented her palm. “I’ll take them up.”

Damon’s eyes cut to Lori, and Brooke watched the corners of Lori’s mouth rise as she sat back quietly in her chair. Brooke hadn’t noticed the exchange. “Oh... Okay.”

“You want to check your makeup too?” Lori teased.

“Don’t be silly.” Brooke walked toward the door.

“By the way, you have a couple of messages here—” she held up two pink notes “—from some woman who refused to leave her name.”

Brooke frowned. “What?”

“She said, you’ll know who it is.”

Brooke walked back over to the conference table and looked at the messages. She read the number, recognizing it instantly. “Nope, I have no idea who this is,” she lied, hoping her face wasn’t as red as her outfit.

“What do you want me to do about them?”

“Trash them.” Brooke walked out of the conference room. She was curious but Brooke didn’t have the strength or the inclination to deal with old demons when she was still fighting present-day ones.

Brooke took the elevator up two floors and walked down the hall to Brice’s office, passing several curious onlookers; she smiled and acknowledged their interest. Brooke reached Brice’s open door and stopped. She didn’t want to interrupt the friendly exchange he and Amy were having. What she really wanted to do was run and hide. Brooke knew if Brice ended their conversation the same way he used to end his conversations with her—with a passionate and often handsy kiss—she’d lose it; but for some reason, she couldn’t turn away.

“Brooke... Brooke Kingsley?”

Brooke turn toward the sound of her name and smiled. China Kingsley, her soon-to-be ex-sister-in-law, was standing there wearing a straight blue dress with a white collar, rubbing her large expanded stomach with her right hand, looking as beautiful as ever. Pregnancy certainly agreed with her. It was just what she needed to break away from her obsession with Amy and Brice. Although, the last time Brooke had seen China, it helped her make the decision that changed everything.

China pulled Brooke into her arms. “I’m so happy to see you,” she stated, smiling.

“Me too. You look amazing.”

China gave a nonchalant wave. “Thanks, but I feel like a cow.” Both women giggled as they moved to a small waiting area and sat down. “You look great yourself, but you could stand to gain some weight.”

Another unwelcome gift from MS. “I know and I’ve tried. You’re due pretty soon, right?” Brooke questioned, changing the subject.

“Yep, in about a week and half.” China looked down and placed her hands on her belly. “I can’t wait to meet this little stranger.”

“I’m sure. You still don’t know if it’s a girl or boy?”

“Nope.” A wide excited smile spread across China’s face. “Although, Alexander seems to think it’s a boy.”

“Good morning, ladies,” Amy greeted as she passed the two women heading toward the elevator. Brooke plastered on a fake smile and gave a quick nod to Brice’s assistant as she walked into the waiting elevator.

China’s forehead creased. “You’re still not worried about Amy and Brice, are you?”

Brooke shrugged and shook her head. “Don’t be silly. Brice can do what or whomever he wants. It’s no longer my business.”

China folded her arms across her chest and gave Brooke the side-eye. “Oh, really?”

“Yes, really. We signed the divorce papers Monday,” she informed her.

China adjusted herself in the seat. “I heard but that’s just paperwork. I know it’s none of my business—”


“But whatever it is that made you run, you can talk to me about it. No matter what some piece of paper signed by any judge may say one day—” China reached over and squeezed Brooke’s hand “—you’ll always be family to me.”

Brooke fought back tears. Having a family that loved and wanted her was all she’d ever really wanted and she thought she’d finally found one. Brooke often wondered about the teenage mother that had dropped her off at a fire station when she was four years old. She could never bring herself to try and find her. As a kid, Brooke figured, why should she? Brooke thought she would have her own family one day, which would make up for her loss. Too bad life had something else in mind. With a shy smile, she replied, “I’ll remember that.”

“There you are, Mrs. Kingsley,” a gray-haired woman said as she approached with a worried look on her face.

“I’m fine, Mrs. Rogers,” China replied, sounding somewhat put-off.

“Thank goodness. I leave to get you lunch and when I get back, no one knew where you’d gone,” the flustered woman explained.

“And yet you still found me.” China turned to Brooke. “Brooke Kingsley, meet Mrs. Rogers...my nanny.”

“You’ve hired a nanny already?” She offered her hand, which the older woman shook and quickly dropped. “Please to meet you.”

“No, I haven’t hired a nanny for the baby yet.” China shook her head and explained, “I’m still debating if I really need one since I’ll be working from home for about a year or so.”

“A year, wow, that’s nice. So, what gives?” Her eyes shifted to the woman who was hovering over their shoulders.

“My husband, the whole family for that matter, felt it was best that I have my own Mary Poppins this last month or so.”

Brooke giggled. “Why? Is everything all right?”

“Everything is fine. Everyone’s just being extra careful.”

Brooke opened her mouth slightly and nodded. “First grandbaby.”


“Second?” Brooke frowned.

“Did you hear that KJ and Mia got married?”

“I saw that online. I knew who she was but we never met.”

“KJ adopted Mia’s four-year-old son. Colby James Kingsley is Victoria’s first heir and she’s ecstatic. Victoria’s already talking to a specialist to ensure he has everything he needs to continue to thrive.”


“Yes, Colby has Down syndrome,” China informed her.

“Wow, I had no idea.”

China rubbed her belly. “Nothing but the best for the Kingsleys, and I’m not just talking about resources. You should keep that in mind.”

“Excuse me, Mrs. Kingsley—”

China held up her hand, stopping the coming lecture. “I better get back before Alex sends out security to find us, if you don’t mind giving me a little push while Mrs. Rogers pulls.”

Brooke laughed. “Sure.” After helping her friend up, she gave her a hug and watched as she was escorted to the elevator, feeling envious of China’s happiness.

Brooke walked back to Brice’s office and stood in the doorway. She watched him studying a document as understanding dawned on his face and he nodded slowly. That was one of the things she loved most about Brice; he was thoughtful in everything he did.

Brooke knocked on the door and Brice looked up from his papers. “May I come in?”

“Sure,” he replied, placing his document down on the desk, and standing to greet Brooke.

She entered the office, raising the folder she held. “I have the first-quarter summaries and our recommendations for your review.”

“Great.” He accepted the folder. “How do we look?”

“Nearly perfect...as usual. Please sit down. There are a couple of things highlighted.”

Brice complied and started reading through the papers. “I came by a few moments ago, but Amy was here and I didn’t want to interrupt. It looked pretty intense.” Really, Brooke, can you be any more obvious? Brice kept his eyes on the report. “You’ve been really busy lately. I haven’t seen much of you.” Brooke ran her left index finger along the edge of his desk.

Brice looked up and said, “These recommendations are good. I’ll talk to Alexander about them this afternoon. Great job, as always.” His eyes dropped back down to the page.

For a moment, Brooke didn’t know what to say. She realized Brice hadn’t heard a word she’d said, and she felt like she was being dismissed. “Thanks, I’ll tell my team.” Brooke turned to leave.

“There’s nothing going on between me and Amy.” Brooke turned to meet his stare. “Not that my personal life is any of your business anymore. But I wanted you to know.”

Brooke folded her arms and stared down at him. Her heart skipped several beats and she only hoped her foolish joy wasn’t written all over her face. “I guess she’s always been a sore spot for me.”

Be My Forever Bride

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