Читать книгу Change Your Energy, Change Your Life: A Journey Through Your Personal Energy System - Marti J.D. Angel - Страница 3



Life is energy. Everything we see, taste, smell, feel, and hear is energy. Everywhere, there is energy. There is fast moving energy and slow moving energy. The fast moving energy involves things we cannot see, but we can experience. Slow moving energy is that which accumulates into solid form. It is this energy, which is the universal life force. Life force circulates through and around us. Life force is the energy that brings us our experiences.

Stanford Department of Material Science Professor and Researcher, Dr. William Tiller, has offered the following model:


One of the most important aspects of the above model is that the flows of energy are in effect bidirectional; meaning that energy flows both ways. Your spirit affects your physical body and your physical body affects your spirit.

In my humble opinion, when we as human beings connect to the Divine and we allow our awareness to effect/affect our thoughts and emotions, we will eventually heal our bodies. I also believe that we need to take care of our physical bodies, if we want to avoid the dense energies of disease to affect our health. Healing can begin in any part our energy system, from our inner (spirit) to our physical (outer) structures. Likewise, it is necessary for it to penetrate every layer of our energy system in order to be permanent.

This is where the chakra energy system comes in. The chakras are centers of your personal energy, transmitters of universal energy. The charkas represent distinct energy frequencies that interact with the electromagnetic energy field called the Aura. This energy is then transformed into life sustaining energy. In our bodies, this energy is drawn to our roots and then back up again. The vehicle it uses to move this energy through our body is called the nadis channel. It moves through seven circulating and significant centers, which are then expressed out, into universal energy.

Once expressed out, it can have a significant effect on our physical as well as our emotional and ethereal bodies. This energy is so powerful that it can also affect our life circumstances.

These 7 significant centers are what we refer to as the chakras. The chakras are spinning vortexes of subtle energy located, but not isolated, along the spine. These centers run from the base or root to the crown or halo. It is through these 7 centers that we form our perceptions and outlooks on any given situation of our life. It is also through these 7 chakras that we may find the energetic blocks that affect our health as well as our life circumstances.

It is now widely recognized within the western medical system that these centers, when out of balance can be a contributing factor to disease within our physical body.

For example:

The same issue or situation can be experienced from different levels of consciousness, which can lead to a completely different perception. When that happens, the issue or situation takes on a completely different meaning.

It is therefore very important that these 7 chakras circulate the energy up and down the main channel of connectivity. It is also very critical that the nadis channel, along with the seven energy centers, remain unblocked, so that the universal energy can mingle and enhance our personal energy.

Imagine the chakras are the seven main floors of a high-rise condominium building. In the building, there is a view of the ocean. We know that the view is different from every floor. The view becomes more expansive the higher the floors. Ideally, we need to have clean windows on the building to be able to see the view more fully and clearly. If there are any obstructions on the windows the view is clouded and changes the perception.

We are the building-our chakras are the windows. Our beliefs, culturally conditioned views, thoughts, personal realities, and personal intricacies are the dust and debris that cloud our view.

To clean the windows we need to be able to challenge our beliefs to remove the dust and debris. The higher you go up in floors, the more you become aware of larger realities that include your perceptions from the previous floors. Here is where we may need to change our paradigms.

Clear perceptions are the goal. We should have clean windows that are not clouded by culturally conditioned beliefs. We should release any thoughts we have bought into that have created our realities.

Chakras determine your use of energy. As you move up the chakras, you must reflect on how each one manifests itself in your life.

Chakras work as the life force for your Life Energy. These centers receive, store, and express your personal energy, interacting with the universal energy or the total Life force.

Your experience of your total health and well-being from the inside out is directly influenced by the freedom with which energy flows to and from you and the universal energy.

What can block, restrict, or cloud our windows?

First of all, you need to realize that any blocks to or from your personal energy field will result in a malfunction from your personal energy to universal energy.

These blocks of our energy will result in a disease within your personal field. You may see this manifest as physical disease, discomfort, lack of energy, fear, emotional imbalance, or energetic imbalances. This blockage may even create havoc on our relationships and life circumstances.

By acquainting yourself with the seven energy centers - the chakras - and how they work, you can begin to identify your own blocks and restrictions. You can begin to take the necessary actions to move beyond the blocks.

In being able to identify your own hindrances, you will also be able to develop the methods to help you remove the block and revive your energy centers.

By using the information you gain from this book, you will begin to break through barriers and move into a life of health and abundance.

Begin to review your life as it is right now and make a list of things that you would like to improve.

Some really great questions to ask yourself are:

1.What is happening in my outer life that I would like to change or improve? (Circumstances, events, people)

2.What do I really want in my life?

3.How have I been feeling physically, emotionally?

4.Do I have goals for all areas of my life?

Remain focused, be realistic with your self-expectations and commit to your outcome. Know that this will be a journey.

Change Your Energy, Change Your Life: A Journey Through Your Personal Energy System

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