Читать книгу Fantasy Football For Dummies - Martin A. Schulman - Страница 30

Striving for the fantasy championship


As the professional football season marches on and fall becomes winter, the NFL separates its pretenders from the contenders. The same transformation occurs in fantasy football. When the NFL’s best teams are fighting for playoff berths, most fantasy leagues begin their postseasons. The formats vary for deciding fantasy championships, but most leagues use a single-elimination tournament among the best teams in the leagues. At the end of the standard fantasy postseason, two teams battle for the league’s crown in the championship game. They battle for glory, for trophies, for cash, for bragging rights, or for the love of the game. May the best team win! (Chapter 12 covers what you need to do to succeed in the fantasy playoffs.) The following sections introduce the different facets of the fantasy postseason.

Fantasy Football For Dummies

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