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Acquiring trophies and other bling


Most fantasy geeks are retired jocks, sports nuts, or coworkers with something to prove, so being able to hoist trophies above their heads after winning it all really is a fantasy come true. A league trophy symbolizes commitment, and committed coaches are what make a league strong and the game of fantasy football more fun to play. (Furthermore, trophies are surprisingly affordable [depending on how huge you want them to be], and adding names to them costs peanuts, so you may suggest this idea to your commissioner.)

Figure 3-1 shows a photo of the championship trophy from my XFL2 League. The award is basic, but it works. I’m a three-time winner of the Golden Football!

Photo by Judy Park

FIGURE 3-1: Victory on your mantel!

You can even contact a ring company that will make championship rings for your league! Anything goes, but no matter what prize you choose, giving awards is a great excuse to get together and party with your buddies when the season is over.

Fantasy Football For Dummies

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