Читать книгу Riding the Tide of Change: Preparing for Personal & Planetary Transformation - Martin F. Luthke PhD - Страница 4



Some of you may have heard of the Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times." I do believe that we are living in extremely interesting times, and sometimes that may feel like a curse, indeed. But it is always darkest before the dawn, and my ultimate message is one of hope and encouragement.

This book addresses a vast topic on a few pages. I have tried to keep it concise and readable, offering suggestions for additional readings and lists of resources at the end of the book. I hope that you will find this publication accessible, inspirational, and useful.

Before we move on, let me introduce myself. I am a clinical psychologist with a strong metaphysical bent as well as a very practical side. I am a carpenter and cabinetmaker by training, I have been a researcher, author and teacher in the area of psychology, and currently I am a psychotherapist and metaphysical teacher and healer. I am married to a wonderful woman, Linda Stein-Luthke, who is a metaphysical teacher, author, healer, and channel of the Ascended Masters. Our communications with the Masters have contributed immeasurably to the insights contained in this book. However, I am solely responsible for any errors or misunderstandings. The views presented are my personal truths as I understand them at the time of writing (1996) and are subject to change and growth. Each individual has a unique experience and view of reality and I encourage you to explore and honor your own truth. May this book be a helpful guidepost along your path.

Martin F. Luthke

Riding the Tide of Change: Preparing for Personal & Planetary Transformation

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