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Passwords, Account Numbers and User Names


You have all your passwords and account information organized in a secure online app so that it is easily retrieved but safe, don’t you?

It is becoming the norm for people to have online accounts, security codes, passwords, and other confidential information for every bank account, vendor, supplier, and more. Even for those people who minimize their online activities, there may be a rather considerable amount of data to keep track of. Regardless of whether an event occurs (that safari in Kenya, the trek to Nepal, or a disability) that triggers the need for your agent to act under your power of attorney, intelligently organizing this data is essential to anyone managing his or her own finances. There are simply too many account names, passwords, usernames, and more to keep track of. If you’re finding this a challenge, imagine the difficulties your agent will face sorting out your confidential data without your assistance!

Some people take a stab at organizing account and other information on paper. But where is that paper located? Will an agent find it? How will you update it? Perhaps a better option is to use one of the inexpensive apps available for a smart phone that can securely maintain, encrypt, and backup your data. Your agent could be given the website for the app, your username and password and can then access the most current information to act in the event of an emergency.

Example: You’ve been buying an increasing portion of consumables online and conducting your banking online. As you get older, the amount of online activity may well increase because it is so much easier, more convenient, and safer than physically going shopping or to a bank. Even if your agent has a comprehensive power of attorney authorizing him or her to act legally on your behalf, the entire world of your purchases and banking will be inaccessible without your usernames and passwords.

Powers of Attorney

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