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CHAPTER 2 The Power of Possibility
Оглавление“It is better to believe than to disbelieve; in doing you bring everything to the realm of possibility.”
— Albert Einstein —
What is The Power of Possibility, and what does all this mean?
We’re going to get a little science-y now. Everything — everything — carries potential within it. Everything is comprised of energy. We’re all little balls of energy wandering around a rock made up of energy, floating in a Universe comprised of energy.
Well, that’s a REALLY simple way to look at it, but it works. As I started to go further into the details of energy and matter, I realized the importance of simplifying things in order to understand the concept of the Power of Possibility and its role in manifesting. Here are some basics that I have distilled from my readings:
Everything has energy. Energy can’t be created or destroyed; it can only be transferred. There are different types of energy, specifically potential energy and kinetic energy. Typically, everything has potential energy until that something is put into use or activated, and then it becomes kinetic energy. Once it’s dormant again, it reverts to potential energy. Nothing is lost or gained; it is merely transformed temporarily.
So, in many ways, energy is in everything and everything uses energy. But energy itself is not a tangible “thing.” Therefore, energy is pure potential. It’s the essence of possibility and creation. And, since we are energy, we also carry the essence of possibility and creation within us. Cool, huh?
That gives us a good place to start. But what does it really mean?
It means that with few exceptions, mostly biological, if you can think of it you can probably do it. Which also means that if you can focus your attention (energy) on something, you are activating it and giving it infinitely more power to come to fruition.
The action of thought transforms the potential into the kinetic, even briefly, which increases the possibility of it manifesting. This applies to everything.
Enter Murphy’s Law.
Have you ever noticed how we say things like “Just my luck” and “Wouldn’t you know” after something happens that we were hoping wouldn’t? We’ve even given it its own category in life: Murphy’s Law.
Actually, Murphy’s Law is the idea that anything that can go wrong, eventually will. Colloquially, the connotation has come to describe any and all such adverse outcomes that have been thought of, or could have been thought of, and are then attributed to mere coincidence. But if we accept the truth that everything has a base energy, it stands to reason that we have the power to call forth even the things we don’t actively want simply by thinking of them.
So, here’s the big piece we’re missing when we attribute unwanted events to coincidence:
If we are putting ANY energy into them at all, we are helping them manifest.
What does this mean, though, with regard to manifesting the life you want in alignment with who you are and what your soul needs?
It means that if you can imagine it — it can happen.
You may not control the “when” of it all, but by putting your energy and focus on it in a healthy and deliberate manner, while keeping the guidelines and Universal laws in mind, you’ve increased your chances of bringing it forth. Dramatically.
This also means if you spent your time praying and hoping for something not to happen, chances are you’ve just helped it happen. Focusing your energy on anything helps it come about. Murphy’s Law.
Now, to put this into practice, let’s play a little. Here’s a variation of an exercise I was given a long time ago in order to begin to see how The Power of Possibility truly works.
I want you to choose something to focus on. You can get as specific as you like, but it’s best to start with something simple. Here’s what I did:
I asked the Universe to show me yellow cars. Yellow cars are not a common color on the road, so it seemed that this would be a good test of sorts. For a few days, I focused on seeing yellow cars and inviting them into my sphere. Within a week, the amount of yellow cars I saw as I was driving increased noticeably. It was a bit spooky, actually. I had no idea so many yellow cars existed.
I then took it further. I asked to see two very specific models of cars that are not common: the Toyota FJ Cruiser and the VW Beetle. This was just around the time of the reintroduction of the Beetle, so it wasn’t as common as it is today. These were each distinct cars, so it would be easy to notice a change. Lo and behold! Within a week I was seeing more of both. More importantly, however, I also started seeing a lot of yellow Beetles and Cruisers. The Universe had kept my previous “order” going as I added on to it. How cool is that?
There are two ways to look at these results:
1. Attribute the results to my increased focus on the specific item, assuming it was there all the while; and/or
2. Attribute the results to the Universe meeting my request and my needs by providing me with what I had requested and manifested into my reality.
I think it’s both, actually. The beautiful thing, however, is that it doesn’t really matter which one it is. Why? Because in manifesting, we’re looking for results, and I got them! If we go about it deliberately and consciously, with good intention, it’s a win all around.
So it is with the Power of Possibility. If you can imagine it, you can create it. Now, that doesn’t take into account biological boundaries. But barring those few limitations, the Universe is yours to imagine, create, and enjoy. The only confines you have are the borders of your own imagination.
The Power of Possibility is both the engine that fuels the machine that is your imagination, as well as the fuel that feeds the engine. It’s everything all at once, and it’s cyclical. It’s the essence of energy itself. Filled with potential, infinite in its essence, the Power of Possibility is the source of all that is and will be.
Most importantly, the Power of Possibility is housed in your very soul. Everyone has access to it. You’re born with it. Watch a child and you’ll see how accessible it is. Allow a child to explore with their mind and all borders fall away. Life becomes infinitely possible. Conversely, tell a child “no” and watch them deflate.
Imagination is the human expression of Possibility.
Possibility is the Divine expressed in reality as energy.
The Power of Possibility is the root source of change.