Читать книгу Древнекитайские даосские сакральные практики как способ реабилитации организма человека. Для проведения профилактики и исцеления заболеваний, в том числе неизлечимых, и восстановление здоровья. Часть первая. Законы энергоинформационного обмена - Мартинa - Страница 4

Часть первая
Законы энергоинформацинного обмена
В тот день, когда наука начнет изучать не только физические явления, она достигнет большего прогресса за одно десятилетие, чем все предыдущие столетия своего существования.
Никола Тесла
An appeal to the readers


According to the World Health Organization’s forecast, in this century every third inhabitant of the Earth will be taken ill with an oncological disease, which means that the tually sorrow will touch each family. Actually, the Damocles sword hovers over everyone. Cancer is the second most common cause of death across the globe following cardiovascular disorders. Not only aged people, but even young people in the prime of their lives are not safe from this disease.

As early as the 15th century, the French astrologist and physician Michel Nostradamus predicted that in the year 2026 people on the Earth would sustain «an epidemic» of cancer. This prediction may not come true, but, unfortunately, the cancer statistics show a rapid rise, not a fall. The civilization has not developed measures to save people’s lives and support their health. For instance, the current cancer «treatment» methods don’t restore people’s health, but on the contrary, make them ill and take their lives.

Based on the ancient Chines Daoist sacral practices, that are 2500 years old, a book has been compiled on preventing many diseases, including incurable ones. This prevention method is 100% effective, curing many diseases, including incuravle ones and stops the mechanism of transmission of hereditary and incuravle diseases to the coming generation of people. To enable people to learn how they can help themselves and remain in good health, the book needs to be translated into other languages. I suggest that the readers donate to have this book translated into their native countries’ languages.

A rehabilitation technique has been developed and two patents prepared. To introduce this technique in modern medicine for the treatment of cancer, clinical trials must be carried out at a medical institution. However, the society has no funds for that. In 2017 the «Global Health and Population» society was established in Germany. The society is not a charitable organization since I am financially incapable of paying 12 000,00 euros toward its statutes.

As early as 2015, I appealed to many governmental and private agencies in Russia and Germany to help me carry out free clinical trials of this method of rehabilitation of human organism, but my appeal was rejected. International agencies also refused me since they are involved in coordination of relations between countries. In order to patent this method for its introduction in medical practice, it is necessary to provide certain material means which the society does not have.

I am not surprised by the fact that nobody wishes to carry out free clinical trials at medical institutions. To help you understand why this happens I will give just one example. As early as 1950s a medical nurse from Canada accidentally learnt about a homeopathic method for treating oncology disorders from an Indian. She opened a medical centre of her own and successfully treated her patients’ cancer.

In order to introduce this method in the work of medical institutions the nurse asked for a certain amount of money, which nobody gave or collected for her. The nurse did not hand over this method to anybody and it got lost.

Your donations shall be used for implementing the society’s objectives. I appeal to the readers, private charity foundations and investors for making donations for the said purpose to the society’s representative in Russia, to the Savings Bank account number PAO Sberbank №2020 2978 7100 0010 0270 or to the bank account of the society «Globally Healthy World Population» in Germany: Deutschland, Eine Gesunde Weltbevölkerung UG, Hannoversche Volksbank eG, IBAN: DE16 2519 0001 0753 6119 00, BIG: VOHADE2H.

Send your messages to the society’s website: http://healing-human.info for us to coordinate our efforts.

Together, we will overcome all the difficulties and make people healthier and more resistant to diseases.

I wish you the best of health and long and happy living.


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Древнекитайские даосские сакральные практики как способ реабилитации организма человека. Для проведения профилактики и исцеления заболеваний, в том числе неизлечимых, и восстановление здоровья. Часть первая. Законы энергоинформационного обмена

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