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Grace had done the unexpected. She’d won him over.

“I understand about you wanting the land, maybe needing it—I do, too. It’s beautiful, and you’ve been here all your life, Jack. This is what you know, what you love. It’s just, I’ve never had anything like this. I’ve never even lived in a house, much less one with all this land.” Her eyes looked overly bright. “You’ve got everything. You’ve got family and this town, and friends on top of friends. You’re so lucky, so very lucky.”

Her words almost broke his heart. And they were true about him. He had it all, except a reason to be here, to keep going, to find his way beyond his old life. If there was a woman like Grace in his future... He didn’t want to even think like that. He couldn’t.

“You’re right,” he managed to say, and if she hadn’t touched his arm, he would have ended it there.

A Father's Stake

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