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Dear Reader,

As a child growing up on a large farm, I adored the freedom country life grants—its wonderful clear-lined skies, the big-mooned harvest nights, and winter days cold enough to make your cheeks ache. And in the midst of this pristine beauty were the animals: horses, cows, dogs, cats—creatures with personalities all their own.

We always had a herd of horses running in the pasture and, throughout the summer, cattle grazing on leased land. Each season brought about specific events. February and March meant calving season and watchful nights. Summer meant haying. And fall signified harvest and the time to “bring the cows home” again. Winter, of course, lent to slower and colder days, but certainly not without chores!

Is it any wonder that a story about a cowboy would evolve in my mind?

While Ash and Rachel and the journey they undertake are entirely fictional, the magic of hearing coyotes yap deep in the night and feeling the sting of winter winds against the skin are experiences of the heart.

May you enjoy this tale about a stoic rancher from Montana and the woman who breaks past the fences he’s erected around his life.

Mary J. Forbes

The Man From Montana

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