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Table of Contents

I. The Old Pickering House, Salem, Mass.
II. Doorway, Oliver House, Salem, Mass.
III. Hallway, Oliver House; Living Room, Oliver House
IV. Hallway, Cabot Low House; Fireplace, Oliver House
V. The House of the Seven Gables, Salem, Mass.
VI. Hallway, House of the Seven Gables; Hepzibah's Shop, House of the Seven Gables
VII. Dining Room, House of the Seven Gables; Parlor, House of the Seven Gables
VIII. Attic, House of the Seven Gables.
IX. The Pickering House, Salem, Mass.
X. The Pickering House, Side View
XI. Entrance Doors, Pickering House
XII. Hallway, Pickering House
XIII. Dining Room, Pickering House; Alcove, Pickering House
XIV. Living Room, Pickering House; Drawing Room, Pickering House
XV. Fireplace with Scriptural Tiles, Pickering House; the Old Pickering Sideboard
XVI. "The Lindens," Danvers, Mass.
XVII. Hallway, "The Lindens"
XVIII. Dining Room, "The Lindens"; Chamber, "The Lindens"
XIX. Drawing Room, "The Lindens"; Library, "The Lindens"
XX. Chambers in "The Lindens"
XXI. The Rogers House, Peabody, Mass.
XXII. Doorway, Rogers House
XXIII. Parlor, Rogers House; Drawing Room, Rogers House
XXIV. The Lee Mansion, Marblehead, Mass.
XXV. Porch, Lee Mansion
XXVI. Two Views of the Hallway, Lee Mansion
XXVII. Wallpapers, Lee Mansion
XXVIII. Wood Carving, Lee Mansion
XXIX. Banquet Hall, Lee Mansion; Fireplace, Lee Mansion
XXX. Chamber, Lee Mansion; Four-poster, Lee Mansion
XXXI. The Ladd-Gilman House, Exeter, N. H.
XXXII. Parlor, Ladd-Gilman House
XXXIII. Living Room, Ladd-Gilman House; Robert Treat Room, Ladd-Gilman House
XXXIV. Middle Chamber, Ladd-Gilman House; Prison, Ladd-Gilman House
XXXV. The Adams House, Newbury, Mass.
XXXVI. Parlor, Adams House; Living Room, Adams House
XXXVII. Dining Room, Adams House
XXXVIII. The Spencer-Pierce House, Newburyport, Mass.
XXXIX. Hallway, Spencer-Pierce House
XL. Dining Room, Spencer-Pierce House; Living Room, Spencer-Pierce House
XLI. Parlor, Spencer-Pierce House
XLII. The Dummer Mansion, Byfield, Mass.
XLIII. Doorway, Dummer Mansion; Hallway, Dummer Mansion
XLIV. Dining Room, Dummer Mansion; Den, Dummer Mansion
XLV. Two Views of the Living Room, Dummer Mansion
XLVI. The Warner House, Portsmouth, N. H.
XLVII. Doorway, Warner House; Porch, Warner House
XLVIII. Living Room, Warner House
XLIX. Parlor, Warner House
L. The Wentworth House, Little Harbor, N. H.
LI. Hallway, Wentworth House
LII. Dance Hall, Wentworth House
LIII. Room in Wentworth House where Martha Hilton was made Bride
LIV. The Franklin Pierce House, Hillsboro, N. H.
LV. Library, Franklin Pierce House
LVI. Sword given by the State of New Hampshire to President Pierce; Bowie Knife used at Barbecue given at Hillsboro for President Pierce, and Canes presented to him by Notable Personages; Sword presented by Ladies of Concord, N. H., to President Pierce
LVII. The Savory House, Groveland, Mass.
LVIII. Porch and Gateway, Savory House
LIX. Hallway, Savory House; Chamber, Savory House
LX. China Closet, Savory House; China Closet, Savory House, where China of Three Generations of Brides is Kept
LXI. Parlor, Savory House; Living Room, Savory House
LXII. The Stark Mansion, Dunbarton, N. H.
LXIII. Old Mill, Stark Homestead
LXIV. Hallway, Stark Mansion; Parlor, Stark Mansion
LXV. Dining Room, Stark Mansion
LXVI. Saltonstall House, Haverhill, Mass.
LXVII. Two Views of the Hallway, Saltonstall House
LXVIII. Two Views of the Dining Room, Saltonstall House
LXIX. Chambers in the Saltonstall House
LXX. The Dalton House, Newburyport, Mass.
LXXI. Porch, Dalton House
LXXII. Lower Hall, Dalton House; Upper Hall, Dalton House
LXXIII. Fireplaces, Dalton House
LXXIV. The Kittredge House, Andover, Mass.
LXXV. Hallway, Kittredge House
LXXVI. Living Room, Kittredge House; Parlor, Kittredge House
LXXVII. Soapstone Fire Frame, Kittredge House; Fireplace, Kittredge House
LXXVIII. The Royall House, Medford, Mass.
LXXIX. Doorway, Royall House
LXXX. Hallway, Royall House, from the Rear
LXXXI. Spinning Room, Royall House
LXXXII. Kitchen Fireplace, Royall House
LXXXIII. Chambers in the Royall House
LXXXIV. The Longfellow House, Cambridge, Mass.
LXXXV. Library, Longfellow House
LXXXVI. The Quincy Mansion, Quincy, Mass.
LXXXVII. Porch, Quincy Mansion
LXXXVIII. Dining Room, Quincy Mansion
LXXXIX. Kitchen, Quincy Mansion; Parlor, Quincy Mansion
XC. Paper hung for Wedding of Dorothy Quincy, Quincy Mansion
XCI. Chambers in the Quincy Mansion
XCII. Porch of the Middleton House, Bristol, R. I.
XCIII. Hallway, Middleton House; Fireplace, Middleton House
XCIV. Living Room, Middleton House
XCV. Bridal Chamber, Middleton House
Historic Homes of New England

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