Читать книгу Second Chance Mom - Mary Kate Holder - Страница 2

Annie knew the time had come to tell Jared about her past.


“Adoption saves so many children from never knowing love,” she said, and began gathering the courage that had allowed her to contemplate marrying him. “You’re adopted. You know how well it can work. You’ll be able to help the three children through any transitions they have to make.”

She opened her mouth to tell him the secret only two other people had known, but the dark expression on his face, and the narrowing of his blue eyes, stopped her.

“My life turned out better than I could have hoped when I came to live with the Campbells,” he said, an odd note of emotion gone before she could identify it.

“But I will never understand how a mother—any mother—can give up her child.”

Second Chance Mom

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