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THE ONLY REASON Becky Montgomery had agreed to this Caribbean Christmas cruise aboard Alexandra’s Dream, with her late husband’s family was because of Laura, her fifteen-year-old niece. The girl knew her way around Becky like no one else, especially when it came to dealing with Becky’s mother-in-law, Estelle, the matriarch of the family.

“You don’t even have to see her,” Laura had said with that assuring voice of hers. “You know how much she hates the sun. She’ll probably stay in her cabin all day sleeping, or annoying the staff telling them how to run things. Besides, I need you and the kids to keep me sane. Between my mom nagging me all day and Grandma reciting the proper rules of etiquette over and over again I might end up hurling myself overboard. You wouldn’t want that on your conscience, would you?”

“If I go, I may have to hurl myself with you,” Becky had told her. There was no doubt in her mind that she would be going on any cruise with Estelle Montgomery. The mere thought of being trapped on a ship with the woman had given her instant heartburn.

“Then we can save each other once we hit the water. Please, Aunt Becky. You have to come. I’m your favorite niece and I’m begging you.”

“You’re my only niece.”

“That may all end soon if you don’t come on this cruise.”

“Are you threatening me?”

“I’m desperate.”

“You’re fifteen. All fifteen-year-olds are desperate.”

“Yes, but I’ve got Estelle and Kim for my role models. My desperation is on another level.”

That was the precise moment when Becky’s resistance had tumbled and she had agreed. She always was a sucker for an underdog and she really felt for Laura.

However, now that the departure date had actually arrived, Becky was having second thoughts. The suitcases were packed, the shore excursions were purchased, and Becky had secured a neighbor to come in and water the plants, feed Brad and Angelina, Sarah’s lovebirds, play with Lance Armstrong, Connor’s tabby cat, and walk John Wayne, the family bulldog. Now Becky wasn’t so sure this whole thing was such a smart idea. She was so nervous about the adventure that the Mickey Mouse pancakes she’d made for her kids for breakfast had given her the dry heaves, and the headache she’d been trying to ignore since waking was now about to blow her eyes out of their sockets.

Still, the fact remained, she had made an agreement with Laura and it was too late to back out…or was it?

Wouldn’t a simple phone call to Estelle solve all her problems? She could merely say she was really sorry, but she and the kids couldn’t make it this year…or next year, or ever.

Becky sat down at the table with her favorite mug filled to the brim with hot tea and a bowl of dry Cocoa Puffs cereal, her favorite breakfast treat, and seriously pondered the idea as she watched her seven-year-old daughter Sarah gently eat around Mickey’s ears. She liked to save them for last.

“I think this whole thing is dumb,” Becky’s ten-year-old son, Connor, announced. He hadn’t touched his food.

“You think everything is dumb,” Sarah countered.

“Yeah, including you,” he shot back.

“Please, kids. Let’s try to be nice to each other while Mickey’s at the table.” Becky liked to discipline with whatever aid she had at hand. Usually she used the various pets as negotiating tools, but for some reason they weren’t in the room.

“Mom,” Connor reasoned, rolling his eyes. “These are pancakes.”

“It doesn’t matter. They represent Mickey, and while he’s a guest at our table, there’s no arguing.”

“Whatever,” Connor said, stabbing the pancake with his fork.

Becky stared at her young son. Laura had convinced her to agree to the cruise, but there was another reason that it might not be a good idea in the end: Connor. She hoped the trip would bring him out of his shell. Ever since his dad had died almost two years ago, Connor had slipped further and further into his own world, and now he hardly spoke or ate. And when he did converse, he was usually sarcastic or contrary. She’d tried everything she could think of to get him to come around, but nothing seemed to work for long. He seemed more distant with each passing day.

Becky watched as Connor made little circles with his fork in the syrup, not really eating, his mind obviously somewhere other than the present.

“Connor, two more bites, and finish your milk, then you can leave the table,” Becky said, knowing he just wanted to get back to his room.

Without saying a word, he did as he was told, then picked up his dish, placed it in the sink and left the room.

“Don’t worry, Mom.” Sarah patted Becky on the back. “Mickey understands why Connor’s so sad and he’s not mad at him for not liking the pancakes.”

Becky’s eyes watered as she hugged her sweet little girl.

“THE PURPOSE OF A CRUISE is to relax, especially a Caribbean cruise,” Lacey Garnett told Becky. “Take in the sights. Float on a breeze. Enjoy yourself.”

“Easy for you to say. You don’t have a mother-in-law like Estelle Montgomery,” Becky snapped.

The two women were standing in front of their shop, Frock U, a trendy boutique in Hillcrest, the uptown district of San Diego. Lacey turned the lock in the door and they stepped inside.

“She’s technically not your mother-in-law anymore. She’s simply your kids’ grandmother.”

“I know, you’re right, and I do want to keep that relationship strong.”

“Good. Then sit back and enjoy the perks.”

Becky flipped on the lights and the little shop came to life with color and bling. The women knew all about fashion trends and were constantly on the lookout for the next big craze.

“But I’ve hardly spoken to Estelle in two years, other than those phone calls every other week so my kids can keep in touch with their grandmother,” Becky said, putting her purse down behind the counter. She started to fold some T-shirts. “It’s just that she’s so controlling. Last week I received a detailed outline on the appropriate attire for each formal dinner and event on the ship. Not for my kids, but for me!”

“She’s just being helpful.”

Becky stopped folding and glued her fist to her hip. “No, she’s not. Helpful is what baggers do at grocery stores. Helpful is when you open a map in the middle of New York City and someone steps up to point out the way. Telling me what to wear on a cruise ship suggests that I don’t have a clue even though she knows I co-own a fashion boutique!” Becky’s arms were flailing now.

“I think you’re reading too much into this. Maybe she’s changed, but because you never really talk to her, you can’t see it. I still think she was simply trying to be helpful.” Lacey joined in the folding.

“Impossible. Her spots go all the way down to the bone.”

Lacey walked closer to Becky. “Hey, shouldn’t you be home right now, packing all those outfits for all those dinners and events or something? Doesn’t your plane leave in, like, three hours?”

“I’m not going.” Becky walked over and picked up the retro rotary phone behind the desk and started dialing.

Lacey stopped her mid-dial. “You need this vacation. Your kids need this vacation.”

“I know what I’m doing. I’ll take the kids to Disneyland for a long weekend. I don’t need a family cruise. We don’t need a family cruise.” Becky put the phone down, grabbed her purse and pulled out her cell phone. Lacey snatched it from her hand. Becky was getting really angry now.

“You can’t meet a guy in Disneyland,” Lacey said.

Becky stopped struggling. “What?”

“A guy. A man. Someone with a penis…who’s available. Guys at Disneyland are most likely going to be there with their families or girlfriends.”

“I don’t need to meet a man, Lacey, I’m perfectly happy with my life the way it is.” Becky stared at her best friend and business partner incredulously. She couldn’t possibly be serious. Could she?

“No, you’re not perfectly happy. I can tell. You need a guy. If only for a couple of nights. Just some meaningless sex under the stars to relieve some of that tension.” Lacey took a couple steps back, giving them both some breathing room. Becky did the same.

“I am not tense!” Becky snapped. “All right, maybe I’m a little tense, but meaningless sex certainly won’t fix it. Besides, I’m a mother. I have responsibilities. I’m fine.”

“I know you when you’re fine, remember? We’ve been friends since we could walk, and you are far from fine. I love you to death but you’re an overworked, single psycho-mom who can’t even take the morning off on the day she’s supposed to be flying to Florida. You’re wound up so tight, if someone gives you a nudge you’ll spin for the rest of time.”

Becky’s eyes watered. There was truth in Lacey’s words, but she didn’t want to admit it, and she definitely didn’t want to think about “sex under the stars,” even though—if she was being absolutely honest—she did long to be held again in a man’s arms, and kissed and…

Lacey walked forward and hugged her tight. “It’s okay, honey. I know you’re hurting, and you don’t want to see Estelle, and you miss Ryder. But Becky, he would want you to move on. It’s been almost two years since he passed away. You know he would want you to be happy.”

Becky pulled away. She couldn’t even think about having a relationship with a man…not yet. It was too soon, wasn’t it? “I can’t. It’s not time yet.”

“Okay. I understand. I do. But at least get on that plane and go on the cruise. Relax a little. Hey, maybe you can find some new merchandise for our shop while you’re on Saint Thomas Island, some exotic dresses and jewelry. I hear it’s a fab place to shop. Go discover some struggling designer and bring his or her designs to the States. Look at this as a working vacation. Would that make you feel better about it?”

Becky thought about it for a moment, and the idea actually sounded good. “You know, we could use a little more color in this place to go with all our plans for next year.” A smile spread across her face.

Lacey grabbed Becky’s purse, slipped her cell phone back inside and handed it to her. “You better get going if you want to make that plane. That designer is out there on some island waiting for you to discover him…if you know what I mean.”

Becky smiled and took her purse. “I get it, but I’m really not ready for romance. Honest. Besides, I’ll have my kids with me.”

“They can’t be with you every minute.”

Becky gave her a look. “I’m a dedicated mom.”

Lacey walked her to the front door, turned and hugged Becky. “And I’m a dedicated friend. Remember, sex doesn’t equal romance. You can keep your heart perfectly safe and still relieve some of that tension all bottled up inside. Having sex is healthy.”

They separated. “Okay. I’ll consider the sex, but only on one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“Can I have the meaningless but healthy sex in a cabin? I’m not one for public displays.”

“Honey, you can have sex in a vault for all I care, just make sure you don’t come home without it.”

“I’ll do my best,” Becky said, going along with the idea to placate Lacey. Secretly she had no intention of having sex with anyone.

“You’re lying. I can tell when you’re lying, but it doesn’t matter because I’ve thrown the idea out into the universe, and once it’s out there, only the moon, sun and stars know what will really happen. It’s out of your control.”

Becky never believed her somewhat mystical friend, but this time a slight shiver washed over her as she walked out of the store. For some reason she felt as though Lacey’s wish had truly been ordered and she couldn’t help wondering if the universe was listening.

ALL THE NUDGING in the world couldn’t keep Connor from being anxious for most of the flight from San Diego to Miami Beach, Florida where they would board Alexandra’s Dream for their cruise. While Sarah, the girly-girl who already knew how to work Becky’s new digital camera better than Becky did, had busied herself on the flight with the continuing adventures of Ken and Barbie on holiday—her dolls and outfits had been carefully packed in her backpack. Connor had sat with his nose in a Lemony Snicket novel, speaking to no one.

Sarah was such a clever and easy child that sometimes Becky would forget that she was only seven years old. Nothing seemed to faze her, and her laugh was infectious. She had an imagination that knew no bounds, and a curiosity that kept Becky busy trying to figure out answers. She could read by the time she was four, and wrote her first story when she was barely six. Her teachers couldn’t keep up with her, and most of her classes were at advanced levels.

Connor, however, had changed dramatically since his father’s death two years ago. Gone was that happy, carefree little boy who loved to swim and play baseball and ride his bike for countless hours. Connor’s approach to life was more somber, but then, so was Becky’s.

“The ship is going to sink just like the Titanic and we’re all going to freeze to death in the water.” Connor looked up from his book as the plane made its final descent. “I think we should turn right around and go back home.”

Sarah rolled her eyes. “There aren’t any icebergs in the Caribbean, silly. They would melt. And I looked up Alexandra’s Dream on the Web—we each get our own lifeboat.”

Connor shook his head and made a face. “Yeah, well, maybe we’ll get locked in the bottom of the ship and won’t be able to get out to find a lifeboat, and we’ll all drown.”

“Then I’ll get an ax and break the lock,” Sarah declared while making hand gestures as if she were breaking the lock at that very moment. Sarah liked to give a demonstration for clarity whenever possible. “Then you and Mom can take my hand and I’ll lead you to the lifeboats.”

“Like you would know where to go.”

“Of course I would. I’m Wonder Girl and I can do anything!”

“Oh, yeah.” Connor turned in his middle seat to face her. Sarah sat next to the window, while Becky was on the aisle. Connor had insisted on the arrangement because he didn’t want to see what was going on either down below or on the plane. “If you’re Wonder Girl then why didn’t you fly here on your own?”

Without missing a beat Sarah said, “I thought about it, but it would mess up my hair.” She primped her naturally curly blond hair. Usually it fell into her eyes, but today she had worn a lavender-and-pink sparkly barrette that matched her outfit to hold it in place. She also wore lavender sandals, and Becky had polished her nails a bright pink to match her backpack. Sarah was a fashion diva.

Connor burst out laughing, and Becky was finally able to relax a little. It had been a long flight, but the journey was just beginning. If this little incident was any indication of things to come, she was hoping that Sarah would continue to use her magic on Connor to get him to lighten up. Of course, the way Becky was feeling, she could use a sprinkling of Sarah’s magic herself. Her stomach was still in a knot and her nerves were wound tight. She had wanted to buy a drink during the flight, but she just couldn’t justify it with her kids sitting next to her, so instead she tried to simply ignore her own apprehensions…not the best solution.

The plane landed and Becky escorted her children to baggage claim, then they caught a cab to the cruise ship without crisis. Connor, although somewhat distracted, was at least cooperative, while Sarah skipped her way through the entire journey.

It would be the first time Becky and her kids had ever been on a ship. They’d seen them before, docked in San Diego, but knowing they were going to be living on one for a week was exciting. They stood in line on Pier Five at the Port of Miami, filling out forms, then gave their luggage to a stevedore and handed an agent their passports to check. Connor kept lagging behind, studying the exterior of the ship, while Sarah bounced around in happy anticipation. The heads of Ken and Barbie popped out of her backpack, as if they were doing their own happy dance.

BECKY KEPT BOTH Sarah and Connor close as they went through the embarkation process, which was held in a comfortable covered area on the pier. There was even a band playing island music in the far corner, and a private seating area for the VIP group, which Estelle had seen fit to bestow on Becky and the kids. However, Becky was sure all this executive treatment came with a high “you owe me” price tag. She could only speculate what that might be.

Becky kept the kids close by her side, not wanting them wandering off before they even found their cabins. Her ticket stated that she and her kids had a penthouse with a veranda.

Sarah had looked it up on the Web, and when she discovered the cabin had a DVD player, she insisted on bringing along Alice in Wonderland, The Little Mermaid, Pirates of the Caribbean, Cars and various other movies to torment Becky and Connor with during the cruise. Becky brought along The Princess Bride, the one movie the entire family could agree on, even Connor. They’d all seen it countless times, and could quote from it, but there was something almost magical about the movie that usually put them in a good mood.

Sarah had this belief that anyone they met who loved the movie as much as they did would eventually become part of their family, and so far, Sarah had been right.

Becky, of course, was hoping to distract her from watching so many movies with all the water activities this cruise had to offer. After all, it was billed as A Creatures of the Caribbean encounter, a chance to get up close and personal, and Becky intended to take full advantage of every encounter offered…well, at least within reason. She had already signed up for a dolphin encounter—too good to pass up—and snorkeling around a coral reef sounded like fun. But she’d been forced to leave herself and the kids open because Estelle had her own plans, and Becky knew better than to try to disrupt those. The ship was scheduled to drop anchor at Grand Turk Island, the Cays, Tortola Island, St. Maarten and, of course, Saint Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands. She was sure Estelle had plans for each stop, only she hadn’t yet bothered to tell Becky.

Once they stepped on board and into a huge lobby with glass elevators, large baskets of fresh flowers everywhere and enough room to accommodate half the people on the ship, Becky let out a sigh of relief. They had actually made it. Maybe she could, in fact, relax.

A charming woman with dark hair and a warm smile handed Becky a brightly colored brochure announcing an onboard treasure hunt. “Be sure to join in the fun, looking for the treasure,” the woman encouraged. “It’s all explained in this brochure.” Becky noticed her name tag: Patti Kennedy, Cruise Director.

“What’s that about?” Connor asked Becky, obviously curious.

Becky handed the brochure to Connor instead. “Here. You read it and tell us what it says.”

“Is it a real treasure?” Sarah asked. “Like in Pirates of the Caribbean? Will we be rich if we find it? I’d like that. Then Mommy could stay home more and only go to work when we’re at school.”

A pang of guilt ripped through Becky. She really had been working too many hours since Ryder had died. It wasn’t about the money; Ryder had left them more than enough to be comfortable. Plus each child had a college trust fund. The Montgomerys had set that up as soon as the kids were born. But work was the only thing that seemed to keep Becky from thinking about Ryder. It hadn’t been very fair to her kids. She could see that now, especially with Connor.

She made a promise to herself to spend every moment of this adventure with her kids. Perhaps, in some small way, that would make up for all those long hours they had spent with their babysitters.

She let out a heavy sigh, suddenly seeing the cruise in a whole new light. She watched as Sarah took Connor’s hand and pulled him in closer so she could see the pictures on the brochure. Connor didn’t put up any resistance. He merely opened the brochure, lowered to her level and began reading.

“May I see your boarding papers?”

Startled by the deep voice, Becky looked up and into the impossibly green eyes of the handsome man standing in front of her.


“I’m here to escort you to your cabin.”

She handed him the papers.

“Oh, I see you’re in a penthouse, Ms. Montgomery.”

“Becky.” She felt her cheeks heat up. Now why had she wanted to tell him her first name?

“Welcome aboard. Follow me.”

Becky tapped the kids’ shoulders to get their attention and they all fell in line behind the man. She caught bits and pieces about the treasure hunt as Connor kept reading while they walked. It looked as if they were being given the VIP treatment with a special escort, something Estelle had likely set up.

As they walked, Becky sneaked a glance at their escort. He was very good-looking, dressed in white shorts and a white polo shirt, with the ship’s insignia discreetly stitched over his heart, along with a small name tag: Dylan Langstaff—Newfoundland. He wasn’t dressed in a steward’s uniform, and there was no indication of his title, so Becky could only guess this wasn’t part of his regular duties. He looked more like the fit outdoorsy type to her.

“‘…and the sun god was intensely jealous of the beautiful moon goddess and wanted her all to himself.’” Connor continued reading the legend in the brochure. “‘He didn’t like it when she was on the far side of the earth and he couldn’t see what she was doing. In one of these periods, the moon goddess fell in love with a beautiful shepherd from Arcadia named Lexus…’”

Becky could only imagine this cute guy’s backlist of women, probably the proverbial “girl in every port” routine. He didn’t seem the type who would choose to spend weeks on a ship, working far from home while he had a wife or steady girlfriend waiting his return. No, he definitely looked more like the dyed-in-the-wool bachelor type.

“‘…they had to keep their love a secret from the sun god and could only be together at night. The moon goddess went to the celestial seamstress Athena and begged her to weave a beautiful cloak of shimmering moonbeams that would shield the goddess and her lover from the eyes of the sun. The cloak worked beautifully until one day when the sun was searching for them, the cloak slipped and nearly revealed them…’”

But Dylan was the perfect specimen of the type of guy she had expected might work on a cruise ship: handsome and tall—she guessed just over six feet—wavy brown hair with those natural blond highlights from being out in the sun, thin and tan with muscular arms and straight shoulders. She thought he probably handled the athletic activities the ship offered, maybe helping passengers climb up those rock-climbing walls that were so popular. Connor had been to a birthday party at a rock climbing gym in San Diego a few years ago, and all the men there looked like Dylan—powerfully built, fit, ready for adventure.

“‘The moon goddess arranged for a blacksmith to make a clasp to secure the cloak and couldn’t resist having a large diamond inserted in the clasp. The sun was becoming increasingly jealous because he knew the moon goddess was in love with a human and he was determined to put an end to their relationship…’”

Becky kept sneaking peeks at Dylan as he led them into one of the glass elevators, then down a corridor with plush carpeting under their feet, where creamy white doors lined both sides of the hallway. She noticed his hands, the long fingers, his neatly trimmed nails and the silver and onyx ring on his right pinky. Perhaps the ring was a gift from a pining girlfriend patiently waiting for him in some exotic port of call?

“‘…and once again, the sun god carefully scanned the area with his beam, and this time he noticed a flash of light. When he moved his beam over the same spot, he realized it was the facets of a diamond flashing in the light. He grabbed the diamond clasp and tore the moonbeam cloak from the lovers. Then he struck Lexus, and sent the moon goddess back to the sky. In his anger, the sun god had melted the bronze clasp, freeing the diamond, which the moon goddess snatched up to remember her lover…’”

“Here we are,” Dylan said.

“That mean old sun god—I want to know what happened to the poor moon goddess,” Sarah whined. “Did she ever see Lexus again?”

Dylan turned, knelt on one knee to get down to Sarah’s level and shook his head. “No. Poor Lexus died, and the moon goddess cried for so long that the earth was about to be flooded with her tears.”

“Like my mommy did when my daddy left to go to—” Sarah began, but Becky reached out and pulled her back to make her stop talking. Sarah liked to tell everyone that her daddy had left to go to heaven, but he was watching them every minute from his cloud. He didn’t want to leave, but God needed him to be an angel, just like in It’s a Wonderful Life. Becky was never really comfortable talking about Ryder with anyone, especially not a stranger.

But it was too late. Sarah had already said too much.

Dylan looked up at Becky and his face seemed so full of concern that it took Becky’s breath away. It was neither sympathy nor pity. It was something she couldn’t put her finger on.

Here was this charmer, this obvious babe magnet, yet he seemed to have a soft underside, and for a split second Becky thought she could see into his soul.

Something shifted inside her, something she couldn’t explain.

He looked back at Sarah, and the compassion was replaced by the friendly smile of a man telling a child a story.

He stood and opened their cabin door. “The goddess Artemis came to visit the moon goddess and convinced her to stop crying before she destroyed everything on earth, and she agreed, but not before she shed one final silver teardrop that hardened around the diamond. Then she sent the jewel off to be hidden, but she said she would always cry one day a year for Lexus.” His voice turned into a whisper. “And she still does, but on the very next night—” he waved an arm over his head and grinned “—the moon goddess sends a cascade of moonbeams and shooting stars across the sky to remind everyone of Lexus.”

“So when we see a shooting star, that’s the moon goddess reminding us of Lexus?” Sarah asked him, wide-eyed.

“You bet it is,” Dylan answered, still smiling that dazzling smile.

“Right,” Connor mumbled, slumping down on the sofa.

“Don’t pay any attention to my brother. He’s no fun anymore.” She motioned for Dylan to bend down so she could tell him something, then she blurted, “He doesn’t even want to read about Harry Potter. He doesn’t like movies, not really, and he won’t play Wonder Girl with me.”

Connor pulled a pillow up over his head.

“I knew there was something different about you.” Dylan winked at Sarah.

As Sarah did her cute Wonder Girl pose, Becky could tell Dylan had won her heart. And could win Becky’s if she wasn’t careful. It was his eyes. He had those sensitive, innocent eyes, but Becky knew it had to be something he could turn on and off at will. He worked on a cruise ship. He was trained in the art of making people, especially women, feel special. Wasn’t he?

Becky put her arms around her daughter’s shoulders, and pulled her in tight from behind. She suddenly felt as if this man had learned enough about her family. “Thanks for escorting us to our room, and finishing the story. I think I can figure everything out from here.”

“Okay. But don’t hesitate to contact someone if you need assistance, Ms. Montgomery.” He turned to leave, but then stopped and slowly turned back around. “Oh, there’s one more thing about that diamond the moon goddess hid.” He directed his charm at Sarah. She stared up at him as if he were telling her a special secret.

“What is it?” she asked, never blinking. He had her full attention. Even Connor slipped the pillow off his head.

“It’s hidden somewhere on this very ship. In one of the cabins, to be exact, and whoever finds it will have good luck.” Dylan looked directly at Becky. “Especially in love.”

A slight shiver danced up her spine as she stared into those magical jade-colored eyes of his, and for a moment she actually considered Lacey’s advice. But before she could genuinely second-guess herself, the oh-so-charming Dylan Langstaff was gone.

Cabin Fever

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