Читать книгу The Company We Keep - Mary Monroe - Страница 13



It was Nicole’s idea to leave the party early, but not with Teri. A drummer from an up-and-coming reggae group, and Nicole’s recent past, had arrived late. As soon as he had spotted Nicole, he was ready to grab her and run. Nicole was feeling hornier than ever. She was ready, and as anxious to run with that drummer as those daredevils who ran with the bulls through the streets in Spain every year. She plowed through the crowd like a backhoe trying to get to the bathroom quickly, with Teri nipping at her heels.

“Did you know your maintenance man was going to be here? Did you know he’d be coming here solo tonight?” Teri asked, speaking to Nicole in a low, controlled tone of voice, even though they were off by themselves in a corner outside one of the three upstairs bathrooms. Nicole had just emptied her bladder and touched up her makeup.

Teri had to admit that she couldn’t remember the last time she’d had more fun than tonight. She’d danced off and on for the past hour. She had consumed so much more champagne she didn’t give a damn who saw her hovering over the table snatching fried chicken wings with both hands. Before that, she had devoted her attention to the caviar and quiche. Her lips were so greasy, at one point, a snotty black woman who had avoided the black entrees because she didn’t want the non-black guests to think of her as just another Negro rolled her eyes at Teri in disgust. To show that despite her status she was still a “sistah” with obvious ties to the ’hood, and proud of it, Teri gave that blond-weave-wearing bitch the finger. Then she grabbed several more chicken wings and slapped them onto a saucer. She chewed like a squirrel as she spoke to Nicole.

“You mean Carl?” Nicole asked with a blink and a twitch of her bottom lip. Despite the fact that she had just checked her makeup, there was still some lipstick on her teeth and some grease on the side of her cheek.

“Whatever the hell his name is,” Teri snapped. She used the same napkin she had just employed to wipe grease from her bottom lip to wipe Nicole’s cheek.

“No, I didn’t know Carl was going to be here tonight, Mama,” Nicole quipped. “And of course he’s here alone. What do you think I am? Some hoochie who would leave a party with some other woman’s date?”

“You’re going home with some other woman’s husband. Is there a difference?”

“Carl and Debbie are separated. They’ve been separated for two years. The only reason they are still married is because wifey is such a bitter bitch that she wants him to suffer, so she refuses to give him a divorce. They lead separate lives.”

“They still live together, girl. You told me that yourself. And you and I both know how people in our business talk.”

“I also told you that he was still there because of his son. The boy is fifteen, so in three years, Carl can leave.”

“And be with you full time? Three years is a long time to wait for somebody’s leftovers.”

“Unless we are talking about virgins, everybody is somebody’s leftovers,” Nicole snarled.

“Greg hurt you when he left you for that other woman. I don’t want to see you get hurt again.”

“Greg was my husband. He had certain commitments to me that he didn’t fulfill. Being with Carl and the other men I see these days is all about me having a good time. Nothing more. If I don’t get much more than that, it’s still all good because I don’t expect it.”

“So you let Carl use you?”

“Use me! Ha! If anything, I’m using him. The last time I hooked up with him, he couldn’t even bust a nut. But I always get mine. With him and every other man. Shit.” Nicole laughed and folded her arms. But then she looked more serious than she had at any other time that night. “What’s your point?”

“Sex isn’t everything, Nicole,” Teri said in a weak voice. “Don’t you want more?”

Nicole nodded so hard her turban slid to the side. “Right now I want more sex,” she admitted, rearranging her headgear. “T, you know I love you to death. We both say a lot of shit to each other when it comes to our love lives. I know that what I say to you goes in one ear and out the other. You should know by now that it’s the same way with me. I’m a big girl and I can do whatever the hell I want and with whomever the hell I want. Life is too short and I want to enjoy it while I still can. And you should, too! Shit. If I were in your Jimmy Choos, I’d have thrown Harrison over my back like a sack of flour and hauled his black ass to the nearest motel room as soon as I saw him tonight. But you didn’t!”

“That’s not what I came here for,” Teri insisted, leaning against the wall. They stopped talking and waited for two other female guests to pass by and enter the bathroom, both so drunk they didn’t even notice Nicole and Teri, anyway. Teri maneuvered a thick slab of meat off the chicken wing bone with her tongue. “At least I’m enjoying the food,” she said with her mouth full.

“That’s not all you’re enjoying. I saw the way you looked at Harrison. You looked like you wanted to fuck that man out the door. Then you had a second chance to do the same thing with Dwight! Girl, just about every other woman in this place tonight would have done just that. What you do is your business, honey. And what I do is mine. Let’s not forget that, okay? Now help me get this damn poncho back on straight.” Teri helped Nicole adjust her black poncho and then she watched her stumble down the steps like a wino. Teri shrugged and started to attack another one of the chicken wings on the saucer in her hand, even though she already felt like a sow gone wild.

Before Teri could leave the spot she occupied, Nicole returned with a sheepish look on her face. “Uh, I just wanted to let you know that Harrison is still here.”

“So?” Teri managed, still chewing.

“He’s been keeping to himself most of the night and I’ll bet it’s because he’d rather spend his conversation on you…”

Teri stopped chewing. “Where is this conversation going?”

“Teri, I don’t know what you are waiting for. And maybe you will get exactly what you want one of these days. Knowing you, you will. But in the meantime, have yourself some fun, girl. There is nothing wrong with that. You could probably wrap Harrison or Dwight, or any other man, around your little finger if you wanted to. Do it while you still can.”

Nicole’s words gave Teri something to think about, but not for long. However, it did make her lose her appetite. She set the saucer on a table outside the bathroom, even though a couple of chicken wings remained. “Are you through? Is there anything else you need to say to me?” Teri asked, licking grease off her lips. She couldn’t remember the last time she had behaved so “ghetto.” It was a liberating experience.

“I had a dry spell—by choice like you—for a year after Greg did his disappearing act. It didn’t bother anybody but me.” Nicole paused and shrugged, then gave Teri one of her sharpest looks. “I decided that if I couldn’t beat ’em, I’d join ’em. I hooked up with a couple of…uh…on-call maintenance men, as you like to call them, and I’ve been happy ever since. I want you to be happy, too,” Nicole concluded with a pleading look on her face.

“I am happy,” Teri insisted, dismissing Nicole with a wave as they both moved toward the steps.

Teri decided to locate Harrison and wish him luck in the New Year. She decided that that was the least she could do. But by the time she and Nicole got back downstairs, where she had summoned enough nerve to locate and approach Harrison, it was too late. Teri spotted him walking out the door with the same bitch who had rolled her eyes at Teri when she saw her gobbling up those chicken wings a little while ago.

Teri looked at Nicole and blinked. Nicole saw what Teri had just seen. She looked at Teri, shook her head, then gently rubbed her arm. Teri felt as stiff as a board and was hot to Nicole’s touch. “We’ll talk tomorrow,” Nicole offered. “Right now, I’ve got a man waiting for me outside. But if you need me, I can send him on his way.” Teri gave Nicole a sorrowful look and shook her head. “All right then. Listen, you drive carefully,” Nicole told her before she left.

The Company We Keep

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