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Duncan watched as Lauren turned those incredible eyes on him

“So, you’re a pool shark, huh? And you accused me of being one.”

He was glad that he hadn’t been able to sleep tonight, that he’d gone out to get a drink because his room had seemed so vast and empty. He liked being here with her. “I’m not that good. Trust me.”

She smiled at him, a gentle expression, and he wished he could make her smile on command. “We’ll see, won’t we?”

He found himself staring at her lips, and looked away. Needing a distraction—fast—he took his shot. A striped ball fell into the corner pocket, another one dropped into a side pocket.

They continued to play, and he was doing well until he sensed Lauren behind him and missed.

“Too bad,” she murmured as she leaned halfway across the table, lined up her shot, called it and made it. Along with two more. He studied the table, and couldn’t take his eyes off her.

Duncan wanted to get to know her. He wanted to know what made Lauren Carter tick.

And he had some pretty good ideas about how he’d go about finding that out.

Discovering Duncan

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