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June smiled and patted her husband’s hand. “My husband is going to do everything he can to keep Mystical Feather going.”

“Thank you for being so candid with me. I have one last question. There are rumors that Royal killed certain members in order to make room for new people who could replenish the money he bled from the Mystical Feather Trust. Do either of you know anyone who disappeared?”

June looked at the table and sighed. “Well, of course there was Natasha’s mysterious death.”

Claytie squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed them with his fingers. Then he looked up with fatigue written in the crevices around his mouth. “We heard rumors. The first one we know of was Royal’s twin sister, Eugenie. She disappeared right after their mother’s death.”

“Do you think Royal killed her, too?” I asked.

“I asked, but Natasha’s spirit was never specific,” June said. “At first, everyone thought Eugenie had gone away to grieve for her mother. But she never returned, and nobody knows, to this day, where she went. Between you and me, I’m sure Royal killed her, too, and buried her body somewhere in these mountains.”

After the Tollivers told me their story, I said, “That brings us right back to my original question. Who do you think killed Royal St. Germain?”

Knot of This World

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