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“Here, tell me what you think.”

She held her wrist near his face. He bent to sniff, his lips accidentally touching her warm skin.

He jerked away. Crouching this close to her was hard enough, but his lips touching her? Even a spot as innocent as her wrist, with her blood beating warmly just below the surface.

“What change did I make to my perfume today?”

Wary, because his lust threatened to undo him, but also curious, he leaned close again, damn careful not to make contact.

“Spice. Incredibly subtle.” He sniffed again. “Cinnamon. No, cloves.”

Her smile enhanced the loveliness of the day. “How do you do that? You’re right. It’s cloves. Not much, though, because its scent can overpower everything else.”

She dropped her arm into her lap and he missed her nearness, even though he knelt right beside her. How incredible must it feel to lie beside her?

Safe in Noah's Arms

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