Читать книгу 3 books to know Early Feminism - Вирджиния Вулф, Mary Wollstonecraft - Страница 8




WHEN I BEGAN TO WRITE this work, I divided it into three parts, supposing that one volume would contain a full discussion of the arguments which seemed to me to rise naturally from a few simple principles; but fresh illustrations occurring as I advanced, I now present only the first part to the public.

Many subjects, however, which I have cursorily alluded to, call for particular investigation, especially the laws relative to women, and the consideration of their peculiar duties. These will furnish ample matter for a second volume,[1] which in due time will be published, to elucidate some of the sentiments, and complete many of the sketches begun in the first.

3 books to know Early Feminism

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