Читать книгу Time Spent - Matt Ph.D Trusskey - Страница 3



I would like to take the opportunity in the publication of this newly compiled book to share a few thoughts with my readers. I want to express my thanks to the many people who helped and inspired me in this labor of love. Over the past 30 years or so, I have been fortunate to travel and experience many different and interesting people and places. Because of my upbringing and family background, I did not travel first class. I believe now that this helped me to be exposed to all types of individuals of several social and economic classes as well as countries. My travels and adventures came from an inherited longing to wander and wonder about the meaning of life.

The way in which I, as a young man, began the adventure was as a soldier. Being a soldier afforded me the luxury of traveling and experiencing without a big pocket book. I grew up in a military family, so the familiarity of it all did not hurt me either. It was later in my middle twenties that I was confronted by more of the realities of life and working for a living, as my tour of duty was over and so was the free room and board (so to speak). My poems reflect and embody these different times, cultures, people and economic situations that I have shared with the many people whose lives have become a part of mine.

Living, discussing/arguing and then writing has always been my way of coming to understand the things that I needed to figure out or just get out of my system in my quest for the meaning of life. Everyone should search for his or her own "meaning of/for and in life." From the many personal friendships and loves so far in my life, to the strangers, acquaintances and lonely hearts who all, in their own right, have helped me in my quest; this book is dedicated. I have found that the people I meet and the experiences we have shared along this journey are either the meaning of life or the absolute best process in the world for getting there!

Over the past 18 years or so I have been on a writing sabbatical (earning a living). During these years, I have shared some of my poems with various friends. I was not very surprised when most told me that one or two of the poems really "struck their fancy." Out of kindness or just disinterest, the other poems went empty in their hearts. Because these works are all very familiar to me and I understand the emotion, passion, feelings and personal experiences that went into them, I wondered. I wondered how I could get the reader, my colleagues, critics and inner circle to appreciate or possibly understand more of my work without cramming it down their throats. Once again, it was you, the reader, that showed me the way.

One day a friend and I were on the topic and I explained the circumstances behind a poem that I thought they would surely appreciate but didn't. It was in the telling of the story behind the poem, when I saw the light go on in their eyes! At this point, all kinds of emotions poured out of this individual. This little bit of extra explanation of the circumstances that surrounded my thoughts brought the particular poem to light for that person. The light went on for me too!

The first thing I thought then was, "I have a lot more to learn about writing if I am not getting my thoughts and feelings across." It was later revealed to me that it was not in the writing, but the understanding of the circumstances that brought me to such a poem that made the poetry come alive for the reader. My ego, of course, thought that this was an acceptable compromise to my writing abilities. Once I realized how to help my poetry come alive to the reader, I decided that in this work, I must write more. At the end of "Time Spent," I have decided to add personal notes "with insight on their discovery." I will try to bring the reader up to speed on what my life was like at the time and my motives behind the poems, in case they are interested in this.

Obviously, some poems will need less explanation than others will and some may need none. This should help my audience to more fully understand, comprehend and therefore feel the intent and possible message of my work. I hope that these insights help the reader enjoy my work, as they have for my dear friends!

Time Spent

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