Читать книгу Against Empire - Matthew T. Eggemeier - Страница 4


Theopolitical Visions

series editors:

Thomas Heilke

D. Stephen Long

and Debra Dean Murphy

Theopolitical Visions seeks to open up new vistas on public life, hosting fresh conversations between theology and political theory. This series assembles writers who wish to revive theopolitical imagination for the sake of our common good.

Theopolitical Visions hopes to re-source modern imaginations with those ancient traditions in which political theorists were often also theologians. Whether it was Jeremiah’s prophetic vision of exiles “seeking the peace of the city,” Plato’s illuminations on piety and the civic virtues in the Republic, St. Paul’s call to “a common life worthy of the Gospel,” St. Augustine’s beatific vision of the City of God, or the gothic heights of medieval political theology, much of Western thought has found it necessary to think theologically about politics, and to think politically about theology. This series is founded in the hope that the renewal of such mutual illumination might make a genuine contribution to the peace of our cities.

forthcoming volumes:

David Deane

The Matter of the Spirit: How Soteriology Shapes the Moral Life

Steven J. Battin

Intercommunal Ecclesiology: The Church, Salvation, and Intergroup Conflict

Michael L. Budde

The Killer Christ: Notes toward a Disarmed Christianity

Against Empire

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