Читать книгу The Commodification Gap - Matthias Bernt - Страница 2


Table of Contents


Series Title

Title Title

Copyright Title

List of Figures

List of Tables

Series Editors’ Preface


CHAPTER 1: Introduction Gentrification Between Universality and Particularity How to Compare? Why Compare? Concepts and Causation Design of this Study

10  CHAPTER 2: Why the Rent Gap isn’t Enough Where the Rent Gap Works Well Where the Rent Gap Falls Short Embedding Gentrification

11  CHAPTER 3: Three Countries, Three Housing Systems The British Experience The German Experience The Russian Experience State Intervention in Housing: Setting the Parameters for Gentrification

12  CHAPTER 4: Barnsbury The Making of Early Gentrification The Right to Buy: Pouring Fuel on the Fire The New Economy of Gentrification From Value Gap to Super‐gentrification

13  CHAPTER 5: Prenzlauer Berg From Plan to Market Rolling out the Market, Weakening Public Control Since 2000: Privately Financed Refurbishments, Condominium Boom and No Regulation New Build Gentrification and Energy Efficient Displacement Between Deregulation and Re‐regulation Gentrification with Brakes?

14  CHAPTER 6: Splintered Gentrification Unpredictable Regeneration Schemes World Heritage vs. Gentrification The Dissolution of Kommunalki Flats State‐run Repair and Renewal Pro and Contra Gentrification

15  CHAPTER 7: The Commodification Gap Universality vs. Particularity Revisited Gentrification and Decommodification Meeting the Challenge: New Directions for Research and Politics

16  Appendix A: Compulsory Purchase in Barnsbury

17  Appendix B: Residents in NS‐SeC Classes 1 and 2

18  References

19  Index

20  End User License Agreement

List of Tables

1 Chapter 2TABLE 2.1 Classical forms of rent and gentrificationTABLE 2.2 Decommodification and displacement

2 Chapter 3TABLE 3.1 Trends in household tenures, London 1961–2016 (Based on Housing in...TABLE 3.2 Subsidies for housing and housing construction by types of subsidi...TABLE 3.3 Regulations on rent increases in sitting tenancies in Germany, 197...TABLE 3.4 Regulations on rent increases in Berlin and Germany as of 2019TABLE 3.5 Estimated housing costs for a two‐bedroom flat in the centre of St...TABLE 3.6 Commodification gaps in the UK, Germany and Russia

3 Chapter 4TABLE 4.1 Percentage of households by tenure in Barnsbury (Butler and Lees 2...TABLE 4.2 Social class in Barnsbury based on Butler and Lees (2006) and UK C...

4 Chapter 5TABLE 5.1 Renovated flats in Urban Renewal Areas in Prenzlauer Berg 1994–200...TABLE 5.2 Percentage of sitting and new tenancies after renovation in Urban ...TABLE 5.3 Number and percentage of individually owned apartments in Urban Re...TABLE 5.4 New built housing units in the Urban Renewal Areas of Prenzlauer B...TABLE 5.5 Subsidised housing units and commitment periods in the Urban Renew...TABLE 5.6 Characteristics of different segments of the housing sector in the...

5 Chapter 6TABLE 6.1 Planned renovations in St Petersburg (Housing Committee of St Pete...

6 1TABLE A.1 Housing units acquired through the use of compulsory purchase orde...

7 2TABLE B.1 Share of NS‐SeC Class 1 and 2 and tenure as a percent of all resid...

List of Illustrations

1 Chapter 1FIGURE 1.1 Types of comparison (Tilly 1984).FIGURE 1.2 The relationship of abstraction and empirical observation in this...FIGURE 1.3 The relation of institutions, reinvestment, displacement and gent...

2 Chapter 2FIGURE 2.1 The evolution of the rent gap (Smith 1996, p. 65).

3 Chapter 3FIGURE 3.1 Homeowner protesting mortgage increases due to currency inflation...FIGURE 3.2 Diagram of state interventions in the housing sector.

4 Chapter 4FIGURE 4.1 Right to Buy sales in London 1981–2014/2015 (Based on Housing in ...FIGURE 4.2 Two £1.5 million ex‐council houses: 163 and 165 Barnsbury Road.FIGURE 4.3 Median house prices (£) in Inner London, Islington and Barnsbury ...

5 Chapter 5FIGURE 5.1 Milieux Protection Areas in Berlin (2016). Altogether, close to 9...

6 Chapter 6FIGURE 6.1 New structure on top of a historic building at Vladimirskyi Prosp...

7 Chapter 7FIGURE 7.1 The causation of gentrification as both universal and particular....


Cover Page

Series Page

Title Page

Copyright Page

List of Figures

List of Tables

Series Editors’ Preface


Table of Contents

10  Begin Reading

11  Appendix A Compulsory Purchase in Barnsbury

12  Appendix B Residents in NS‐SeC Classes 1 and 2

13  References

14  Index

15  Wiley End User License Agreement











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The Commodification Gap

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