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Figures, Tables and Boxes

All figures and tables were created by the author for the book. Credit lines refer to the source of the underlying data.


1.1 The Lorenz curve and the Gini index

1.2 Gini indices of selected OECD countries, 1985 and 2017

1.3 Share of the top percentile in total income in Anglo-Saxon countries, 1920–2014

1.4 Share of the top percentile in total income in continental Europe and Japan, 1920–2014

1.5 Average labour income share, 1970s and 2000s

1.6 The productivity–pay gap in the US economy, 1948–2014

1.7 Wealth shares of top 10 per cent in Europe and the United States, 1810–2010

1.8 The market price mechanism

1.9 Skill-biased technological change and the price mechanism in labour markets

1.10 Average annual contribution of private consumption and net exports to GDP growth, 1985–2007

2.1 Index of capital mobility and percentage of countries in a banking crisis, 1800–2010

2.2 Fordist wage-led growth cycle

2.3 Unemployment and productivity growth in the United States, 1914–2015

2.4 Average replacement rates for pensions and unemployment and sickness benefit, 1930–2005

2.5 Statutory corporate income tax rate in selected OECD countries, 2000–20

3.1 Ownership structure of government debt in twelve OECD countries, 1900–2011

3.2 Unemployment and inflation rates in advanced economies, 1960–2015

3.3 Public debt in selected regions and countries (in percentage of GDP), 1950–2011

3.4 Net government debt interest payments (in percentage of GDP), 1960–2019

3.5 Negative demand shock in a sovereign bond market

3.6 Long-term nominal interest rates, 1960–2019

3.7 Capital share of GDP, 1970–2012

4.1 Hourly compensation costs (in US dollars): manufacturing sector, 2016

4.2 Average per hour worked (in current PPP dollars) 2000–18

4.3 Change in employment shares of low-, middle- and high-skill jobs (in percentage points), 1995–2016

4.4 Union density and income equality in selected OECD countries, 1980–2010

4.5 Bargaining coverage in percentage of employees, 1980 and 2016

4.6 Trade union density in percentage of total labour force, 1980 and 2016

4.7 Fall in labour share in total economy and manufacturing in the CMEs (in percentage points), 1980–2010

5.1 Profit distribution in Apple iPhone’s global value chain

5.2 Employment protection and stock market capitalization

5.3 Widening productivity gap between global frontier firms and other firms, 2001–13

5.4 Stock market capitalization of publicly listed firms (in percentage of GDP), 1975–2017

6.1 Balance sheet of a traditional bank: an illustration

6.2 Share of net interest income in bank profits, 1980–2009

6.3 Bank assets (in percentage of GDP), 1990 and 2007

6.4 Balance sheet of a market-based bank: an illustration

6.5 Total MEWs in the US economy (in billion US dollars), 1991–2006

6.6 Net private real wealth per adult in advanced countries, 1870–2014

6.7 Increase in household debt and house prices in selected countries (in percentage), 1995–2008

7.1 Global current account imbalances (in billion US dollars), 1997–2019

7.2 Current account balance in percentage of GDP, 1990–2019

7.3 Current account balance of Eurozone countries (in percentage of GDP), 2007

7.4 Share of value added of FIRE sector in GDP, 1995–2018

7.5 Evolution in economy-wide nominal ULC (1995 = 100), 1995–2019

7.6 Current account balance of selected EMU countries (in billion US dollars), 1997–2019

7.7 Cross-country falls in consumption and pre-crisis debt levels

7.8 Distribution of net housing wealth in the United States, 2000–19

7.9 Distribution of financial wealth in the United States, 2009 and 2019

7.10 Interest rates on ten-year sovereign bonds of selected Eurozone countries, 1995–2018

7.11 Core inflation rates in the Eurozone, January 2007–December 2019

7.12 Five-year moving average of GDP growth in the United States, Eurozone and United Kingdom, 1965–2018

8.1 Top 1 per cent vs bottom 50 per cent national income shares: United States vs Western Europe, 1980–2016

8.2 Labour income share: CMEs, MMEs vs LMEs, 1970–2012

8.3 Mean vote share of right-wing and left-wing populist parties, 1980–2020

8.4 Greenhouse gas emissions (in gigatonnes), 1960–2018

8.5 Fiscal support measures during the coronavirus crisis (in percentage of GDP), mid-April 2020


1.1 Total income growth and inequality, 1980–2016

1.2 Distribution of net wealth in the OECD world, 2015 or latest available year

2.1 Union membership as a percentage of non-agricultural workers, pre-World War I to 1975

2.2 Left percentage of valid votes, pre-World War I to 1980

2.3 Indicators of growth models, 1995–2007, and income inequality, 1980–2007

3.1 How inflation influences the tax treatment of interest income

3.2 Real rentier fraction of national income, selected countries, 1970s–1990s

3.3 Keynesian and neoliberal macroeconomic regimes compared

4.1 Three worlds of welfare capitalism

4.2 Unemployment rate and contribution of exports to GDP growth (in percentages), 1960–2010

5.1 Average CEO compensation in the US economy, 1973–2013

5.2 CEO-to-worker compensation ratio in selected countries: actual vs ideal, 2012

5.3 Selected measures of corporate finance ownership, 1990–2010

6.1 Increasing banking concentration in the OECD: C5 ratio, 1985–99

6.2 Government support measures of financial institutions (in billion euros unless stated otherwise), October 2008–May 2010

6.3 National index of approach to credit, 2000s

7.1 Sectoral financial balances in selected OECD countries (in percentage of GDP), 1995–2007

7.2 Average annual change in nominal exchange rate and inflation, 1980s and 1990–8


1.1 Stocks and bonds

1.2 The market price mechanism

1.3 Supply-side versus demand-side macroeconomics

2.1 The Keynesian revolution in macroeconomics

2.2 The demise of the Bretton Woods system

3.1 The fiscal multiplier

3.2 Instruments of the central bank

3.3 The ‘policy ineffectiveness’ thesis: from monetarism to New Keynesianism

3.4 Negative demand shock in sovereign bond markets

4.1 Centralized wage-setting: principles

4.2 Hartz reforms and labour market dualization in Germany

5.1 Apple’s business strategy

5.2 Capital markets

6.1 CDO, SIV and ABCP

6.2 Mortgage equity withdrawal: an illustration

7.1 The balance of payments

Crisis and Inequality

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