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1. The quotations here and below are from Lovelace’s contribution to Carmen Nelson Richards and Genevieve Rose Breen, eds., Minnesota Writes: A Collection of Autobiographical Stories by Minnesota Prose Writers (Minneapolis: Lund Press, 1945), 45, 46.

2. Reviewing the reprint edition of Early Candlelight in the September 1949 issue of Minnesota History, John T. Flanagan wrote: “Many a reader will object to the excessively feminine realism of the book, to the endless details about cookery and costume, to the rather tedious enumeration of fabrics, gowns, and uniforms, particularly when similar documentation is not provided for modes of travel, hunting, diplomacy, and warfare” (p. 246-47).

3. See Henry H. Sibley, The Unfinished Autobiography of Henry Hastings Sibley, ed. Theodore C. Blegen (Minneapolis: Voyageur Press, 1932). Sibley’s familiarity with Scott’s novels is implied by items in his correspondence. The adulatory view put forward by others is reflected in Nathaniel West, The Ancestry, Life, and Times of Hon. Henry Hastings Sibley (St. Paul: Pioneer Press Publishing Co., 1889).

4. The little-known life of Helen Hastings Sibley has recently become a subject of investigation by several researchers. Nearly all references to her were apparently removed from her father’s papers before the Sibley heirs donated them to the Minnesota Historical Society. She was placed with the family of William Brown, a settler on Gray Cloud Island. The William Brown Papers, Minnesota Historical Society, and oral tradition are the source for most of what is known about her.

5. St. Paul Dispatch, September 28,192.9, p. 1; St. Paul Pioneer Press, September 28,1929, p. 1 (quotation), 12. An article also appeared on the women’s page and contained a description of the tea table decor and the clothes worn by the ladies in the receiving line.

6. Maud Hart Lovelace died March 11,1980, in Claremont, California; she is buried in Glenwood Cemetery in Mankato. For more on Lovelace, see Jo Anne Ray, “Maud Hart Lovelace and Mankato,” in Women of Minnesota: Selected Biographical Essays, ed. Barbara Stuhler and Gretchen Kreuter (St. Paul: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1977), 155-72, and Carlienne A. Frisch, Betsy-Tacy in Deep Valley (Mankato: Friends of the Minnesota Valley Regional Library, 1985).

Early Candlelight

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