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Paul maneuvered the car into a paved parking lot next to a huge building which had several floors above the ground floor. The sign at the entrance to the parking lot said ' Soul Haven Restaurant Customers Only'. The parking lot was crammed with many cars and there was a line outside the entrance to the restaurant. 'The food must be good', she thought.

He drove through the parking lot to the back of the building and arrived at a gate where he used a key card to open the gate, then taxied to an underground parking deck. He drove his car into a parking space next to the elevator. The sign above the parking space he pulled read 'For Candy Only'.

He undid his seat belt, exited the car and walked to the passenger side. As she was undoing her seat belt he opened the door for her and took her hand and put her hand securely in his. The moment she placed her hand in his he was tempted to bring it to his lips to kiss it but passed up the idea, determined to take things nice and slow. 'Her small hands are so soft'. His pulse leaped from smelling her intoxicating fragrance and feeling her softness.

The fingers gripping hers were long, firm, and strong. There was something about his touch that sent heat through her, making her fully aware of him and his masculine sexuality. When she got out of the car and looked around she noticed there were only a few cars in this parking deck.

He led her to the elevator and put his key card in the slot to open the elevator door. They stepped into the elevator and he pressed the button on the console labeled '1'. The elevator moved up and halted on the first floor. The elevator door opened and they stepped out into a spacious restaurant with a bright and cheery homelike atmosphere. The square and oblong tables were draped with red and white checkered tablecloths, amplifying the somewhat country theme and atmosphere. Inside to the left of the elevator was a reservation booth and a middle-aged brown-skinned woman was seated there. She looked up at Paul over her wire-rimmed glasses. “There you are.” Paul was still holding Jasmine’s hand as he walked over to the reservation booth. “Hi, Beatrice is everything ready?” Beatrice smiled. “Sure is.”

Paul introduced Beatrice to Jasmine as his Maître d'/aunt. The older woman nodded with a smile in Jasmine's direction. “I'm pleased to meet you, Ms. Beatrice”, Jasmine said politely. Jasmine extended her hand to Beatrice for a hand shake over the desk. The woman came from behind the desk and took her hand and pulled Jasmine to her chest for a hug. She then led them through the restaurant and half way made a left turn into a smaller room.

Paul ignored the lust-filled looks from the men who stopped eating to stare at Jasmine’s gorgeous body as they passed by several tables and booths. He beamed with pride knowing the woman they were feasting their hungry eyes on was with him.

Paul breathed a sigh of relief when they reached the private dining room. There were three large round tables dressed with red satin tablecloths, and a private bar toward the back of the room. Tall live tropical plants stood in each corner of the room. Each table had a tiered crystal chandelier hanging over it. The middle table in the room was set for two persons with lighted candles and two dozen red roses in a tall crystal vase. Paul was still holding Jasmine's hand. He led her to the table, pulled out a chair and motioned for her to sit down. He patted her hand, looked at her affectionately, and then reluctantly released her tiny hand. He walked around the table and sat in front of her, with his back facing the door. He wanted to be sure he was in the perfect position to inconspicuously stare at her without drawing attention to himself from other people. He was totally mesmerized by her astounding, flawless beauty and couldn't keep his eyes away from her.

A young neatly dressed bartender came to the table. “Good afternoon, boss.” He nodded in Paul's direction. “Good afternoon, Miss.” He nodded in Jasmine's direction, flashing a gorgeous boyish smile. Jasmine's brilliant eyes met the young waiter's roving eyes. “Hello, sir.”

The bartender realized he was looking longer than he should have at this vision of loveliness and turned away from her. He met the gaze of his boss who was staring disapprovingly at him. “Your usual drink, sir?” he asked, nervously and smilingly. Paul nodded his head in agreement.

The bartender's heart was racing as he turned to Jasmine. “And what can I get for you, Miss?” She asked for a strawberry soda or Pepsi. He smiled at her, bowed his head. “Yes, Miss.” He turned away and went back to the bar to prepare the drinks, but looked back over his shoulder to steal a look at Jasmine, still captivated by this beautiful young woman that looked much younger than him. He was only twenty-one. Paul was amused knowing exactly how the young man felt being near her. He could feel his own body reacting to her loveliness.

Following the bartender's departure a waitress came to the table. She greeted Paul with a half-smile. “Good afternoon, Candy.” Instantly his face tightened and he never turned in her direction to acknowledge her presence. The waitress turned to Jasmine. She looked sternly at her without smiling or speaking and placed a menu on the table in front of her. Paul glanced at the waitress with his peripheral vision, and then turned his eyes on her threateningly for her rudeness to his guest. The waitress left the table and turned back to throw darts with her eyes at Jasmine, sensing her relationship with Paul was anything but business. She had caught a glimpse of him holding her hand when they entered the restaurant and she was not pleased. Jasmine was looking at the menu and did not know she was being watched.

Paul stood up and spoke politely to Jasmine. “Excuse me, dear, for a few minutes, while I check on a few things. Order whatever you like. If there is something you want that is not on the menu let me know and I will have it prepared for you.” She looked at him and smiled shyly, nodding her head and remaining silent. She would certainly not consider having someone go out of their way for her, especially having seen all the delicious items listed on the menu, including American, Italian, and last but not least, old-fashioned soul food items. Paul moved swiftly away and disappeared. She watched him as he sauntered away. He was tall and well-built with the grace of a dancer and the sleek movements of a panther. He had a confident, self-assured stride.

The waitress watched Paul leave and as soon as he was well out of her sight she reappeared back at the table and addressed Jasmine sarcastically. “Oh, I bet you want a cheeseburger, fries, and a milkshake, don't you honey?”

Jasmine was peeved the waitress had not acknowledged her earlier. She slowly looked up from the menu at the waitress. She raised her eyebrows and fired an indignant look at her. She was massively annoyed at the waitress's tone and insinuation of her being a mere child. She scanned the waitress up and down. The waitress was tall and a little on the chubby side and had no striking features. Jasmine was usually not a judging person but there was a first time for everything.

Jasmine focused her eyes back to the menu and purposely took longer than necessary to answer the waitress. She viciously stared her down, squinted her eyes tightly together and furrowed her brows to project her total disgust. Without uttering a word she lowered her head pretending to be staring at the menu before she spoke. “No, ma'am, I would like grilled salmon, a loaded sweet potato, and a garden salad with ranch dressing, no cheese, please”, she retorted, hoping she had sent the message to this person how insignificant she was.

Paul had returned and overheard Jasmine placing her food order. He chimed in. “I will have the same that she is having but include pepper jack cheese with my salad.”

The waitress looked shocked at him. “You never ask for grilled salmon!”

Angrily annoyed and trying to control his temper in front of his lovely guest, he looked hard at the waitress and sneered. “And you know this how?”

The waitress stared at him. “Whatever you say, Mr. Candy.”

“What I say is send someone else back with our food and do not come back to this table. Understood?”

“Yes sir.” She briskly walked away, furious at him for embarrassing her in front of his guest.

Jasmine was still holding the menu and a satisfying smirk covered her face. 'Serves her right'.

The bartender brought a crystal gold-trimmed glass filled with Crown Royal Reserve on the rocks for Paul and a strawberry soda and an exact duplicate of the crystal glass filled with ice for Jasmine. Shortly thereafter, their salads arrived. Paul picked up his fork. Jasmine placed her small hand over his much larger hand.

“Will you bless the food or shall I?” Paul put down his fork and looked at her admiringly. “You may do the honors, my lady.”

Jasmine said grace. They started eating their salads. He observed her, admiring how impeccable her table etiquette was. As they were finishing their salads, the main courses arrived. When they began to eat their salmon he decided it was time to start finding out more about her. To ease her mind and make her feel comfortable he asked her to tell him about her years away from home in her new environment.

She gladly talked none stop about her past two years in New England, knowing they had been like a dream come true, enjoyable and tons of fun, and an experience that would help shape the rest of her life. She talked about her host family and their three children. She shared with him her eagerness to begin college to and enjoy participating with the University of Massachusetts marching band as an official member.

When he shot her a perplexed look she went on to explain how during her junior high school year the band director from the University had seen her leading her high school band in a local parade and was instantly captivated with her gracefulness, maturity, and rhythm. He approached her after the parade and asked her if she would like to become a part of the university marching band during her senior year in high school to march along with the drum majors. The band director and her host father knew each from the university so her host father eagerly gave his permission to let her participate with the band her senior year and continue to be a part of the band after she entered college at the University of Massachusetts.

Paul listened tentatively, continually scanning her with his midnight colored eyes. It was spellbinding to hear her perfect enunciation and articulation of her words and see the excitement dancing in her sparkly and beautiful young brown eyes as she spoke. She had mastered the New England accent, which made her even more alluring. She had also stolen his heart. Trying to explicate to himself how he was in the right place at the right time to meet this rare treasure the only justification plausible for their chance meeting was 'Heaven must be missing an angel'.

Then it was his turn to talk. “Before you were born I was helping my father in his restaurant business and playing football in junior high. When you were being potty-trained I was playing football in high school and still learning the restaurant business. When I turned twenty-one I graduated college and my father gave me this restaurant as my graduation gift. I was drafted by the Dallas Cowboys but unfortunately I received a career ending knee injury before my first season started and returned home to run my business. I continued my education until I earned my MBA, made a few savvy business deals and here I am, no wife, no kids, just businesses.”

He further explained his personal accomplishments of now owning the entire building and having other profitable businesses in the building which he didn't expound upon at this time. He didn't want to frighten her away.

Jasmine didn't ask any questions, just listened intently. She felt so inadequate in his company knowing he had much more life experience. All the same, she was instantly becoming susceptible to his charm.

Paul was slightly disappointed she remained silent and didn’t ask questions, hoping this would have been a chance to disclose the nature of his other businesses. Her sexy, sweet scent kept drifting through his nostrils and traveling into his head, keeping him intoxicated. He inhaled, savoring her presence while fantasizing about being naked, hard and alone with her, even if it meant incarceration. He was definitely thinking about robbing the cradle. She was worth it.

The waitress was watching them with a cold, hard stare from a distance behind her boss's back so she would not be noticed. She threw daggers with her eyes toward Jasmine. 'This must be someone special for him to bring her here and openly parade her around holding her hand’. Her heart sank. She dropped her head and slowly retreated out of sight.

A waiter brought warm peach cobbler and ice cream for dessert. Jasmine's eyes widened at the sight of the scrumptious looking dessert. She almost clapped her hands together like an eager child. The one and only thing she had missed about not being in the south was the soul food.

Paul continued to watch her, zeroing in on her soft lips wrapping around her spoon while she ate her dessert. He was imagining those luscious lips wrapped around his tongue.

When they finished their dessert, he lifted himself up from the seat across in front of her and came to sit in the chair beside her to her right side. So far everything was going according to plan, he thought, beaming to himself.

He placed his left hand on the back of her chair and with his right hand, reached into the top of the two dozen red roses and pulled out a pink envelope, and handed it to her. “Happy Birthday, Jasmine,” he said with a gleam in his eyes.

The young girl's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm and query. She was excited about receiving a card from this man she just recently met, but somewhat leery about accepting a gift of any kind from a stranger. “Oh, my!” she exclaimed. “May I open it?” He laughed. “Of course.”

He beamed, thinking he had never met anyone so polite and innocent.

The envelope contained a birthday card especially written for an eighteen year old young lady, signed 'Paul'. Inside the card was a key card like the one he had used earlier to open the gate to the parking deck and to operate the elevator. She looked at him with a puzzled look on her face as she held the key card in her small hand.

He saw the bewildered expression on her face and quickly started to explain. “That is your key to the private parking deck and to the elevator. So, when you come back, and I do hope you come back, you won't have to come through the front of the restaurant. As you saw, it is usually crowded in here. You can use the private entrance like me, the employees, and special guests.” She wondered what he meant about 'special guests', but kept silent.

“Would it upset you very much if I chose not to accept the key card today?” she asked nervously.

“Not upset, darling, but I am curious to know why you wouldn’t accept it? There are no expectations from you attached to the key card. I just want you to have the opportunity to drop by here and not have to deal with the crowd.”

Jasmine looked very perplexed. The room spun for a second. She took a deep breath and steadied herself. She could not process what was happening and why he was giving her what appeared to be a valuable gift so soon after meeting her. She decided to accept the key card to day and discuss it with him again later.

Paul sensed her mind was filled with questions and feared her bolting suddenly, so he quickly stood up and held his hand out for her hand. “Let's see if your key card works.”

She placed her hand in his hand and he gently pulled her out of her seat, still holding tight to her hand. She was glad he was holding her hand as she was not sure she could stand alone right now. Her legs felt wobbly and jelly-like but she managed to pull herself up out of the chair, relying on his strong grasp for support.

He led her to the elevator and paused, starting to explain in more detail about the key card. “The restaurant has a public entrance and parking lot you can enter from the street. But to enter the underground parking deck and the other private floors in the building a key card like this one is required.”

She tried to move her hand from his but he gripped tighter, trapping her small hand beneath the heat and weight of his bigger but unusually soft palm.

“There are other floors?” she asked. She could hear the shakiness in her voice.

Now he wondered if he was moving too fast and scaring her, but his excitement would not let him pull back and relax. He felt he must continue to hold on to her hand to keep her near him. The scent of her was so overwhelming to his senses and it was impeding his ability to think. He was contemplating how she would feel if he approached her about tasting her beautiful body but decidedly realized he was thinking with his overactive testosterone and not his sense of reasoning. He took a deep breath to allow his mind time to change lanes from thinking about tasting her gorgeous body to explaining how to use her card, and then pushed on. “Remember, I told you I own the entire building. But the other floors are not open to the public, just private club members and staff. You can exit the other floors down to this floor but you must have a key card to access the floors above the restaurant and the underground parking deck. Put your key in this slot to open the elevator”, he gently commanded. He pointed at the key slot beside the elevator doors with his free hand.

She did as he said, very nervously. The heavy metal elevator doors opened and they stepped into the elevator and the doors shut once they were inside. He pointed to the console inside the elevator door. “There are three other floors in this building. Your key will open all the floors except the fourth floor.”

Her nervousness was mounting during this tutorial regarding what this key would open but her curiosity awakened with the mention of a floor the new key card did not allow her to access. “What's on the fourth floor?” He looked at her with a sheepish grin. “Would you like to see?”

She was afraid her voice would tremble if she answered, so she nodded her head up and down to answer 'yes'. She immediately changed her mind. “No, that’s okay. Maybe another time.”

He refused to let her back out of going to the fourth floor where he was eventually going to take her anyway. “There’s nothing to be afraid of, Jasmine. I am not concealing a Meth lab, okay? Trust me, alright?”

She glanced at him, looking into his eyes for reassurance. She felt comfortable. “Okay.”

“Place your card it into the slot beside the '4' on the console of the elevator.”

When the elevator reached the fourth floor it stopped but the door didn't open. She looked at him inquisitively through stretched eyes. He looked down at her and smiled.

“You can only enter this floor by punching in a code manually. He punched four numbers into the keypad. The elevator door opened. He tightened his hand around hers. He walked off the elevator with her by his side. “Welcome to my home.”

Nice and Slow

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