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Dear Reader,

Writing a continuing family series, like the KINGS OF CALIFORNIA, is as much fun for the writer as it is for the reader. We all love revisiting earlier characters. It’s like having a nice long chat with an old friend you haven’t seen for a while. I especially enjoy writing groups of two or three at a time that are connected by more than just their family name.

In Ready for King’s Seduction, Lucas King gets his heroine. Not too long ago, he stood on the sidelines, laughing at his brother Rafe as he fell in love with Katie Charles, the Cookie Queen. Now, it’s Rafe’s turn to chuckle.

Lucas meets Rose Clancy, the younger sister of his ex-friend, and concocts a plan. He’s determined to get back at Rose’s brother for betraying the King brothers.

Rose Clancy, though, isn’t the wide-eyed innocent that Lucas remembers. she’s had a hard time of it, but she’s survived and rebuilt her life. Now she teaches people how to cook in their own homes. When Lucas hires her, Rose agrees because she can use all the clients she can get.

But while Rose teaches cooking, Lucas is teaching her passion, and neither of them is prepared for what they find.

I really hope you enjoy Ready for King’s Seduction! Next up is Sean King’s book, The Temporary Mrs King, and I hope you’ll watch for it! Follow me on Facebook and Twitter and let me know what you think!

Happy reading,


Ready for King's Seduction

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