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Case 10 Did the Conscious and Subconscious Minds of General Lees Mother Leave the Body and Return?


Preliminary Notes:

This case was reported in the Hollywood Citizen, December 14, 1934, in the Strange As It May Seem daily feature. I take it that it can be authenticated by the originator of the feature. In any event, there are many more similar cases which are perfectly authenticated.

The Case:

Fourteen months before the famous Confederate soldier, General Robert E. Lee, was born, his mother seemingly died. The doctors found that her heart had stopped beating and that she had turned stiff and cold. Thinking she was dead, funeral services were held and her body placed in the family vault. Fortunately in those parts at that time, bodies were not embalmed.

A week later the keeper of the cemetery went into the vault to remove withered floral offerings, and was startled to hear a moan from inside the casket. Hurriedly he opened the coffin. Inside it he found Mrs. Lee—again back in her body, alive. Apparently she had but then returned, for she had not smothered. She recovered and lived to give birth to the son who was later to become so famous.


In this and many similar cases we have proof of the cessation of all activities of the conscious mind in the body. Those of the subconscious all but ceased. To account for absence of decay in the body we are forced to conclude that there was a slight connection—perhaps by an ectoplasmic thread—between the body and the subconscious which must have been partly removed because of the death-like state of the body.

In this connection it is well to remember the yogis of India. These "holy men" use some form of autosuggestion to throw their bodies into a death-like state while the conscious mind goes away for long periods of time and the subconscious becomes dormant.

In the two cases we have just examined there are data which will later be of value, but in the next two we will come upon the data which finally showed me the significance of all data—pointed me to the secret of secrets of the kahunas.

Teaching of Huna

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