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The beginning of revolutionary activity


In the autumn of 1888 Ulyanov was allowed to return to Kazan. Here he joined one of the Marxist circles organized by NE Fedoseev, where the works of K. Marx, F. Engels and G. V. Plekhanov were studied and discussed. In 1924 NK Krupskaya wrote in Pravda: “Plekhanov loved Lenin with passion. Plekhanov played a major role in the development of Vladimir Ilyich, helped him find the right revolutionary path, and therefore Plekhanov was surrounded for a long time by him a halo: he experienced extremely insignificant disagreement with Plekhanov”.

For some time, Lenin tried to farm in the estate he had bought in Alakayevka (83.5 desiatinas) in the Samara province. In Soviet times, the Lenin house-museum was created in this village. In the autumn of 1889, the Ulyanov family moved to Samara, where Lenin also maintained contact with local revolutionaries. In 1891, Vladimir Ulyanov passed an external exam for the course of the law faculty of St. Petersburg University. In 1892—1893, Vladimir Ulyanov worked as an assistant to the Samara attorney (lawyer) NA Hardin, leading in most criminal cases, conducted “state protection.” In 1893 Lenin came to St. Petersburg, where he settled himself as an assistant to the attorney (lawyer) MF Volkenstein.

In St. Petersburg he wrote works on the problems of Marxist political economy, the history of the Russian liberation movement, the history of the capitalist evolution of the Russian post-reform village and industry. Some of them were published legally. At this time, he also worked out the program of the Social Democratic Party. The activities of VI Lenin as a publicist and researcher of the development of capitalism in Russia on the basis of extensive statistical materials make him known among social democrats and opposition-minded liberal figures, as well as in many other circles of Russian society.

In May 1895, Ulyanov traveled abroad. He meets in Switzerland with Plekhanov, in Germany – with V. Liebknecht, in France – with P. Lafargue and other figures of the international workers’ movement, and on his return to the capital in 1895, along with Yu. O. Martov and other young revolutionaries, unites the scattered Marxist circles in the “Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class”. “Union of Struggle” conducted active propaganda among workers, they were issued more than 70 leaflets.

In December 1895, like many other members of the Union, Ulyanov was arrested and, after a prolonged detention in prison in 1897, was sentenced to 3 years in the village of Shushenskoye in the Yenisei province, where in July 1898 he married NK Krupskaya. In exile he wrote on the collected material the book “The Development of Capitalism in Russia”, directed against “legal Marxism” and Narodnik theories. During the exile more than 30 works were written, communication with the Social Democrats of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh and other cities was established. By the end of the nineties, under the pseudonym “K. Tulin “VI Ulyanov acquires fame in the Marxist circles. In exile Ulyanov advised on legal issues of local peasants, drafted legal documents for them.

Who is Lenin or the father of world communism. All about the life of V. I. Lenin

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