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This book is the real deal: let me tell you why.

Okay, you bought the book. Big deal. I stopped long ago being impressed with people who buy books. Buying a book won't make you better. It might make you temporarily feel better but your life won't change much. I have written five bestsellers and sold hundreds of thousands of books and I can assure you that not one person who ever bought one of my books is any better off simply for buying it.

But you didn't just buy the book. You actually took the next step. You opened up your book and are now reading the foreword. Good for you. You are further along than many but you are still just pretty average. I say that because the average person who buys a book gets this far. So I'm still not impressed. The average person will read the front and back cover, the foreword and even get through the first couple of chapters, and then their interest tapers off. They get busy doing other things. Then they lay the book aside with the intention of getting back to it … someday. Bottom line: they give up and quit. It's not the book's fault; it's their own fault. That's because the average person just can't stick with anything long enough to enjoy the results.

Average people get average results because they do average things. And on average, most people will start a project – a diet, a plan, or even a book – and after taking a few steps in the right direction will then slide off the path.

They never achieve what they set out to achieve. They never reach their dreams. They never get rich. They never have amazing relationships. They never do incredible things.

I can't stand those people.

Too many people have settled for less than their best and it makes me sick. If you give something your very best effort and then end up with average results, then I will cut you some slack. But I don't believe that's how it works. I don't buy that average results come from anyone's best effort. Yet that is what people accept and settle for. So here's a word of advice for you: don't.

Do not settle. Don't accept less than your own personal best. Don't be average. Instead, right now, make an above average decision: decide to make it all the way to the end of this great little book. Decide to stop talking about success and actually become successful. Decide to play a bigger game!

That's what you are ready to do, right? You are ready to play a bigger game so your life will look better going forward than it has been when you look backward. At least you said that was what you wanted when you bought this book.

I can assure you that you have come to right place. This book can give you what it takes to reach the top. It can move you from average to outstanding. And it's written in such a way that you won't have any excuses left when you reach the end.

This is not your typical ‘I'm going to teach you how to be successful' crap by a guy who isn't successful. Rowdy is the real deal. And, best of all, Rowdy actually plays a bigger game! He lives it. It shows in everything he does. It's the very essence of who he really is. I admire that: a guy who walks his talk. And trust me, there aren't many people I can say that about. Rowdy is the real deal.

So if you are tired of average, tired of having less, being less, doing less and achieving less, it's time to get ROWDY! Rowdy can put energy back in your life. He can give you the insights and the plan to put mediocrity behind you and play a bigger game!

Larry Winget

Five-time bestselling author and television personality

Author of The Wall Street Journal #1 bestseller, Shut Up, Stop Whining and Get a Life

Play a Bigger Game

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