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(Chapter 1)

"Why?... Why?" he asked, with tears streaming down his face, voice damn near gone from screaming for his friend. I dropped the red-headed lifeless body to the ground with a wide smile. I walked over to the blonde man as he shuffled away from me. I kicked him hard enough to flip his body over. The man was about to scream before I yanked him up to his feet by his shirt, slamming him into the large statue over someone's grave.

"You can turn me. I'll be your servant forever!" The young blonde man begged. "Please- please don't kill me!!!" I looked him over, up and down. Superficial, self indulged, the same man that was cloned and copied all over the world. He'll beg for death before I kill him.

Laughing to myself I threw him into my black Porsche and laughed a bit more when he tried to get out. His ripped jeans and dirty polo shirt gave him a rich boy, prep look, which annoyed me. "Where are you taking me?" His voice shook and he wiped his tears.

"If I was in your position, I wouldn't speak." That was the only advice I was going to offer. If he was smart, he'd listen.

I pulled in to the paved driveway of the mansion. Every coven was different, but one basic rule remained the same. We stuck together and remained separate from everyone else. Exposure could mean our demise. I threw my keys to our eternal valet and dragged the blonde through the large front doors, through the main hall and up the first set of stairs to the left without bothering to be careful. I was bashing him into the walls and steps as I dragged him. The first door to the right was my bedroom. I opened the door and threw him in and was careful not to break my walls again. I was tired of the smell of paint from fixing them.

I slowly took off my black jacket, took my time unzipping my boots and let my hair down from its pinned up style. The blonde sat where I threw him and watched as I undressed. "You have a beautiful house..." he whispered through his tears and sniffles. The young man was trying to kiss up to me.

I saw his eyes look around my room. Deep red carpet, matching walls, black borders of tribal design with gold accents to the trim. One door went to my marble bathroom and the other to my over-sized walk in closet.

I pulled off my sage colored dress and put on a large cotton jersey. "You're going to stay here and you won't be able to leave. The sun will be up soon and I'm going to bed," I told him. "If you leave this room... I can't guarantee your safety." I smiled and laid down on my large king-sized bed. He wasn't going to listen.

I woke up hungrier than normal. The young man's blood was strong in my senses and smelling it all night didn't help much. The blonde was trying to find a way down, out the window. "Oh, sweetie... I told you not to try, didn't I?" I smiled. In less than a moment I was out of the bed and on top of him, sinking my teeth into his soft, cream-like skin. When I pulled myself from him, I looked down with a smile. He was still awake and alive. I snapped his arm like a twig and let him fall back to the floor. "People like you need to be kept in line. You don't listen, you don't pay attention, and worse, you don't care!" I back handed him hard enough to crack his jaw. I opened the window and looked down.

The dogs were down there, ready for him to jump. I smiled. I picked him up by his broken arm, making him shriek in pain. "I told you not to escape... You really should have listened." My voice was gentle. Soft. I threw him out the window. The impact killed him instantly. I sighed. "They never listen..."

Vincent came into my room and saw me staring down, out the window while hugging my knees. He had pure white hair down to his shoulder blades shaped in a 'V' cut. His pure silver eyes and pale skin made him look ghostly. Vincent shook his head. "What did this one do?"

"He looked at me wrong," I told him. Vincent was one of the few men I respected. He gave me the freedom I had to be the monster I am. I looked up at him. His old Victorian clothing was perfect. It made me smile to see he kept up with centuries old fashion. He sat next to me and put his arm around me.

"The stars are always beautiful. Can you blame people for wanting to touch them?" he asked. "The problem is they don't want the prettiest and brightest star. They want any star," I told him.

"Is that what you think? Yuzuki, you're not just any star. You're the star." Vincent could tell me billions of times, but of course I was beautiful... does anyone bother to look deeper? Never. Vincent pulled up my chin so I could look at him. Vincent's shining silver eyes reminded me of the full moon, rimmed with the black night sky. "Come now. I'll treat you to a real dinner," Vincent offered. Though his experimental blood source tasted fine, it wasn't satisfactory enough. The blood was worth drinking to survive, but it didn't give the extra boost that a living organism could provide.

"Just for tonight." I agreed and got dressed for dinner.

I descended the stairs slowly and watched as others stopped to see. My escort for the night was Vincent. I wore a chocolate dress, accented in gold ribbon across my under bust. The halter top crossed over my back. The dress was perfectly formed to my body. The tan, cinnamon color of my skin accented the dress and gold shoes further. The females complimented on my pinned up curls and the males adored the curves I was cursed with. Wonderful... Eternal assholes. I didn't kill them.

Natalie wore a deep red dress. Her skin was darker than mine, but not much. I personally thought her skin was what made the dress so amazing. Her short, chocolate colored hair was perfectly framed around her strong Egyptian face. Natalie sat on one side of me, Julia on the other. Julia was some kind of Irish with the deepest, naturally red hair and the greenest eyes which everyone believed were contacts. Julia was pale with rosy cheeks. The only person as pale as Vincent.

Somewhere in the next room, I could hear others speaking as they shuffled to be seated. Often, we had nights to invite guests over for entertainment and a drink of the newest progressive batch of artificially grown blood. "Yuzuki is ruthless. Don't let her find out I turned you as a companion. She can't find anyone to be eternal with her, so she hates anyone in love." A woman's voice. Katie, I think her name was.

Katie must have been a young vampire to not know everyone could hear her. "Why does everyone tolerate her?" I assumed the speaker was her companion. "I don't know. She's a bitter old lady who hates men because she's alone." The woman was laughing as she walked in with her beau for the night.

Everyone along the table was now silent. Most of them looked at me. Katie had no idea how truly ruthless I was. It wasn't her words that bothered me. It was her attempt to slander my name that rattled me. I stood up slowly and that was when she stopped laughing. "Did you...?" She was afraid, terrified, and I felt it.

"Why are you afraid? She can't kill a vampire." Katie's male companion told her. I half smiled.

"How misinformed you have been..." I told him as I took steps forward. My heels were the only sound coming from the dining hall.

I was shorter than he was, but it didn't change how much he was shaking from terror. "Has anyone ever told you to respect the elders?" I asked. My face was like stone, and my eyes must have scared him further.

"No..." he gulped.

"I guess no one ever told you much of anything." I looked at Katie. She had dyed her hair brown. I could tell from the smell. "You're aware of my favorite dessert?" I asked. She nodded. I smiled and snatched Katie's beau from where he stood. I drank while watching the pain in Katie's eyes. After I was happy with what I had, I threw him hard enough to rupture and break the contents of his body. He was still alive.

"And then there were two." I smiled at Katie still in front of me. "My name is to never be slandered. Remember that when you're reborn." I kissed her cheek as my hand stopped on her chest. "NO!!!" An ear shattering scream came through the dinning hall the moment my hand broke through her rib cage. I squeezed Katie's heart until it busted inside of her. She fell to the floor dead. The man sat on the floor, crying in his suit.

"I guess someone should have told her that she wasn't as immortal as she thought. Maybe then she wouldn't have been so stupid with her mouth," I told the man as I glided back to my seat at the dining table. "There's everyone's entertainment for tonight. Enjoy the blood." I smiled and the room started to talk again. He ran out the front door, away from the mansion-like house.

Natalie leaned in. "In her defense, you did step down from leadership. Many don't know you're an elder." She sat up again.

"She was too cocky... she could have still been alive," I whispered to Natalie.

The night ended. The help cleaned the house as they did after every party and went back to the house just beyond the trees that they lived in.

The days passed and people expected me to top my last performance. It was all old to me. Killing was more entertaining back in the 1400s. It was a good thing I wasn't trying to entertain my peers. If I wanted to fit in, I would have kept my status as elder. Then I could have ordered them all to like me. With or without an order, they still respected me.

The bodies were easy to be rid of since I had them turned into dog food or horse feed. We made a few thousand euros from shipping our animal feed overseas. Good business since it cleaned up the mess. We didn't attack every night as we wanted. There were too many of us with limited populations surrounding the mansion.

I specifically picked a house on the outskirts of a small town in Colorado. It was a nice place to live and a beautiful home for me and my companions.

Visitors were only to drink what was allowed by us. Vampires, by nature, were solitary and loved to travel, but we liked having a place to call home. Our coven was our family. Other covens weren't like our own. We had our problems, but show me a perfect family and I'll show you where their skeletons are hidden.

I wanted blood. There was no simple way to avoid the fact. The daylight wasn't an instant kill. It was like any other allergy; if you're around it too much, it gets worse. Ever been allergic to cats? You know when one is around before you see it or smell it, because you can feel it. Same with the sun. It felt like fire on our skin, but we could run through it for at least an hour before dying. Not the ideal death for an immortal. Why was I telling you that? Oh, yeah. I wanted blood.

I couldn't avoid it. I left the mansion and took the keys from my valet. I drove off. The sun was setting and I was on my way to walk through the late day. No burns meant normality. Normality meant more assholes to kill.

On this particular night, so many things were happening at once. I drove into the city, parked my car, and got out slowly. I heard a robbery a few blocks down. A man yelling at his wife in the building to the left. A woman abusing her child three streets away. But every one of those people would get what they deserved soon enough. It was the rapists that couldn't be found, and the murderers that had enough balls to do it again that I was interested in.

I walked through the alleyways and found homeless men looking for warmth. I walked until I felt 'him' looking at me. None of my other senses caught him before that moment. I looked up and he stood there looking back. A beautiful perfume filled my nose. What cologne was he wearing?! I could have pounced him there, but I didn't. I had morals and shit.

His tan skin, his dark, chocolate-colored hair and his radiant, almost glowing, golden-green eyes, he was beautiful with very strong masculine features. He was like a modern day Spartan, and I always did have a thing for Spartans. I almost left him alive... almost.

As I passed him, his eyes locked and his body started to react to his heart beating faster. Something was off about him, something that I had never encountered before. He wasn't guilty, but he damn sure wasn't innocent either. I wanted him. Can you say 'Dinner?' One more step past him and I felt his hand before he knew he was going to do it.

In the moment his hand reached for me, I grabbed it, broke it, and spun him away from me. I slammed him into the wall and started to drink- all before the second was over. His dark jeans and long sleeve, white tunic were dirty from being thrown into the wall. When I was done drinking, I dropped him on the floor carelessly, like a child would throw down a rag doll after she was bored, and walked down the alley, wiping my mouth.

"That was rude..." A very low, attractive voice spoke. I stopped and turned, but no one was there. I heard snapping as if bones were being broken. I looked down at the body on the ground and saw the man was moving. I smiled and stepped closer. "I'm going to guess... You're not gonna help me," he stated. I smiled wider. He sat up and snapped his arm back in place. He rolled his shoulders and popped his neck. The man stood up. I was officially interested. Good for me, bad for him.

"What are you?" I asked. He stood up as if he weren't dead two seconds before.

"I don't know. But what was that all about?" He was questioning me? I stepped closer and took his arm, shattering it from the hand up. As anyone else, he yelled out in pain. He started to readjust his arm. A moment later, he was in full use of his arm.

"Interesting..." I took his other arm and broke it in the same fashion. He screamed, readjusted the arm and was fine again.

"Will you stop doing that?!!" he growled through his teeth.

"...Very interesting..." I whispered to myself.

I threw him into my car and raced home. I had a new toy to play with.

Delight In Cruelty

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