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Dear Reader,

Haven’t you ever wished you could run away from your everyday life and have an adventure? Haven’t you ever wished you would be swept off your feet by a bold, handsome man who whisks you away to a life of passion and laughter…with no laundry to do? I sure have.

And this is exactly how Princess Juliette Fortier feels as she sits on a park bench in New Orleans and wishes for a man to sweep her away, temporarily, from the future stretching before her. The only problem is she gets more than she’d bargained for when her adventure begins for real. She gets Detective Shay O’Malley, a hot-blooded cop hot on the trail of a criminal.

I hope you’ll love this story as much as I’ve loved writing about Juliette and Shay. Please let me know. I’d really enjoy hearing from you. You can e-mail me: MEGLACEY@aol.com, visit me at www.eclectics.com or through www.eHarlequin.com or send a letter to: Meg Lacey, P.O. Box 112010, Cincinnati, OH 45211.

Happy reading!

Meg Lacey

A Noble Pursuit

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