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Dear Reader,

A close friend who had gotten divorced inspired this novel. She had two children in tow, and plunged back into the dating world only to discover that most of the men she dated had children of their own also. For me, this led to tons of fun questions such as: What if we get serious and the kids hate each other? What if the kids love each other and the man and I don’t get along? Then there is the babysitting problem—how can you ever see each other alone?

What better than to use the original situation’s potential and write a story about Danny Santori, a fireman, who is a widower with four kids, and Tessa Doherty, a landscape designer, who is a divorcee with two kids. Danny and Tessa have lost their summer babysitters at the last minute. They’re stuck until a friend comes up with the solution of putting them together.

The fun part of this was imagining all the antics of the children and their impact on the relationship. I called my local fire department and they rolled out the carpet so I could do the research. Plus, I got to hang around with firemen. What could be better than that?

Meg Lacey

The Fireman's Christmas

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