Читать книгу Marrying The Wedding Crasher - Melinda Curtis - Страница 8


One moment, Vince and Harley were joking. The next, they weren’t. And after that? Her lips were pressed to his.

His eyes widened and then slowly drifted closed as he deepened the kiss.

Only to have her pull away and announce, “Time.”

He blinked. Disoriented. The willing woman in his arms was gone. Walking away from him. A swing to her step.

“Hang on.” He jogged to Harley’s side. “What just happened there?”

Harley wouldn’t look at him. She reached the crosswalk and looked both ways, more careful crossing the road than she was with her affections. “I got carried away in my role as your plus-one and you got a freebie.”

Vince wanted to haul Harley back into his arms and kiss her as senseless as she made him.

Not the wisest thought I’ve had today.

But certainly one of the best.

If only they weren’t in Harmony Valley...

Marrying The Wedding Crasher

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