Читать книгу The Best-Kept Secret - Melinda Curtis - Страница 2

“I have the drive.”


“Used to,” Rosie corrected him.

“I’m very driven. And I have lots of friends who find me intriguing.” Hudson hadn’t meant to let Rosie get to him.

“I call them as I see them.” Her voice was flat, as if she thought Hud’s political career wasn’t worth arguing about.

“And you know this by reading my file?” She didn’t know him at all. “Maybe there are things that aren’t in my file that might make you feel differently.”

“I’ve been trained to be a judge of what works and what sells in the system. It’s my professional opinion, nothing more.”

Rosie DeWitt didn’t know it yet, but her professional opinion was about to change.

The Best-Kept Secret

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