Читать книгу SOS Marry Me! - Melissa Mcclone - Страница 3

Melissa spills the beans about her own wedding dress:


“I was a practical bride on a budget—a mechanical engineer who couldn’t conceive of spending tons of money on a dress I would wear only once. But there was a secret romantic in me, a woman who wrote romance novels on her lunch hour and dreamed of feeling, for one special day, like Grace Kelly or Princess Diana or Cinderella.

Never mind, I told myself firmly as I went shopping. It’s only one day. It’s only one dress.

I visited store after store. I found practical gowns. Budget-priced gowns. I tried on dress after dress. And staring in the mirror, I never saw the bride of my romantic longings smiling back at me.

Nearing desperation, I went to a bridal boutique a coworker had recommended. The gowns I tried on were far from practical, and not one was on sale. But finally, as I was zipped and hooked and buttoned into what must have been my hundredth dress, I turned to the mirror and saw…a bride. Me. The girl of my romantic dreams. The woman who was ready to pledge her life to one special man.

Only one day. Only one dress.

I bought it.

As I wrote SOS Marry Me!, I thought about the friend who helped me find my gown and the woman who designed it. She knew what was important to brides. And so does my wedding-dress-designer heroine, Serena James.

Hear all about Melissa’s latest news at www.melissamcclone.com And for more wedding fun check out www.harlequin-theweddingplanners.blogspot.com.

SOS Marry Me!

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