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Chapter Four

“You what?” Claire’s sister, Della, said as she handed Claire her sesame chicken from the Taste of China delivery bag. Della had come over to catch up on the blind date, running into Matt at the restaurant, and what-is-this-about-helping-him-and-his-niece-pick-out-a-puppy? By the time Claire got to the part about Matt moving into the “in-law apartment” to train the dog, Della was shaking her head with older sister wisdom. “You’re going to be living together!”

“Hardly,” Claire said, opening up the container of sesame chicken. Nothing, not even her nerves, could spoil her appetite for this deliciousness. “The apartment is completely separate with its own entrance. I’ll rarely see him.” She pulled apart her chopsticks and dug in.

Della narrowed her gaze and picked up a succulent bite of beef in garlic sauce and a broccoli spear. “Except the entrance is up those deck stairs.” She pointed with her chopsticks toward the sliding glass door to the backyard, where Dempsey lay in her memory foam dog bed. “You’ll see him every time you’re sitting here. And considering we’re in your living room and your kitchen is directly in front of us, you’ll be seeing him constantly.”

“He is nice to look at,” Claire said. “So that’s a plus.”

Della put down her chopsticks. “Honey. There isn’t even a word for how badly he hurt you. You can’t go through that again. I can’t!”

Yup, Claire remembered. All her plans for herself had gone up in smoke. Maybe another girl would have rallied and gone off to the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, as planned. Planned—ha! Back then “the plan” had been for Matt to be in basic training, then stationed somewhere stateside or overseas, and they’d see each other when he could come home for precious and rare breaks. She’d graduate, he’d come home for good and then they’d plan what was next. Except instead, he’d broken up with her with barely an explanation, and she’d been so heartbroken and confused that the pain had messed with her head. She’d been unable to think straight, to think of anything except how her life had been derailed.

Her poor sister had tried to get her to see that it was also an opportunity, to go to school and start her new life far away. But Claire hadn’t been able to pull herself up and out of her heartache. She hadn’t gone away to school, hadn’t gone to college at all that first semester. Instead, she’d cried constantly, unwilling to get out of bed, unwilling to imagine a future without the guy she loved—without Matt Fielding.

Her sister had come over every day, bringing her food she ate one bite of, brushing her hair, making her bed around her, and finally, after three weeks, dragging her out of bed for a sisters trip to the Bahamas, whether she wanted to go or not. Della had packed her suitcase and forced her on the plane. The white sand and turquoise water, the fruity drinks and warm, breezy air had helped restore her.

Back home, she’d finally enrolled in the local college, married her second boyfriend, a man she hadn’t realized was all wrong for her. Luckily, by then, her passion for becoming a teacher, particularly of middle school kids in the throes of figuring out who they were, had gripped her. Claire had run with it, getting her master’s and advising extracurricular groups. She loved teaching. By the time her marriage had fallen apart, Claire had had her own busy life, which included volunteering at Furever Paws. Or at least that was what she’d told herself to explain why her husband’s betrayal hadn’t steamrollered her the way it should have.

I don’t believe you ever really loved me, her husband had said when he told her he’d fallen for someone else, really fallen, and that he was leaving Claire. But he was wrong; she had loved him, very much. I think you rebounded with me after your high school sweetheart destroyed you.

Destroyed. Heavy word. One her sister would apply, as well. But Claire hadn’t been destroyed. People had to be resilient, had to move on. Still, no sense not being careful with yourself to avoid having your heart smashed to smithereens in the future.

Claire smiled and squeezed her sister’s hand. “Eat up. And stop worrying. Matt Fielding and I aren’t getting back together. I’m just bringing together a little girl and a puppy.”

“Except Matt and said puppy are moving in upstairs.”

Claire put down her bite of sesame chicken. She could lie to herself all she wanted, but she’d never been able to lie to Della, who saw through her. “Every time I see him, my heart races and my stomach flip-flops, and these little chills slide up my spine.”

“Yeah, that’s called not having gotten over your first boyfriend. Who broke your heart. Who’s moving upstairs. Who you said has no plans—to stay or go.”

Claire sobered up fast. She had to be careful about Matt.

“I’m just saying, Claire. You want what you want—a husband and child. A family. You’ve been saying yes to men who ask you out in the supermarket. You’ve been saying yes to blind dates—although, you derailed a perfectly good one, even though I suppose you might have dodged a bullet with that one too. You know what you want. So don’t get sucked in by a handsome face and memories, Claire. He hurt you terribly.”

It didn’t mean he’d hurt her again, though. Necessarily. Eighteen years was a long time. Maybe this was meant to be their second chance. He’d been put in her path. And now he was moving into her rental apartment.

Oh God. Their second chance? Now she was concocting a fantasy about him? Why did he have such a hold on her after all this time?

What she needed to do was to focus on what she wanted out of life: the right partner and a child. That meant really getting out there, and so that was what she would do. She’d kissed her share of frogs since her divorce, but there was bound to be a “prince” out there somewhere. She’d focus on finding him, and then the hold Matt had on her heart, mind and soul would be released.

Right? Yes, right.

“I’ll be careful,” she promised her sister. “And by the way, I’m open to more blind dates.”

“That’s my girl,” her sister said, stealing a hunk of sesame chicken from her container.

Maybe she’d even join a dating service to speed things up, vet the men via email “chats” before they even met.

“But no matter what, I’m here if you need me,” her sister said. Knowingly.

Claire bit her lip. Even her wise sibling knew how strong the Matt Fielding hold was.


“Guess what, Ellie-Belly?” Matt said, sitting down on the round braided rug in his niece’s bedroom. Not bad, he told himself as he realized he got down on his bad leg in record time and without wincing.

Ellie was playing “dog tea,” serving her huge stuffed dogs who were sitting around the rug in a semicircle. Half had fallen over, but she’d prop them back up when it was their time for tea.

“What?” she asked, pouring for the white poodle beside her.

“What do you think about me moving to my own place nearby and fostering Sparkle and training her so that you could adopt her in about a month’s time?”

Ellie gasped so loud that his sister came running up the stairs.

“Everything okay?” Laura asked, looking from her daughter to her brother.

Ellie flew into Matt’s arms. “Uncle Matt just told me he’s going to train Sparkle for me so we can adopt her!”

Laura smiled. “He told me all about it. I’ll miss having you around, though, Matt. You just got here.”

“I’ll be five minutes away,” he said. “And, Ellie, you’re welcome to come over whenever your mom says it’s okay. You can help me train Sparkle.”

“This is the best day of my life so far,” Ellie said, throwing her arms around Matt for another hug. “Thank you.”

“Anything for my favorite niece,” Matt said.

“Aren’t I your only niece?” Ellie asked.

“What about Sparkle? Isn’t she my other niece?”

“I guess she is!” Ellie said. “But don’t tell her I’m your favorite. She’ll get jealous.”

“I won’t.”

He glanced at Laura, who was smiling. He looked at Ellie, who was also smiling. Even the stuffed dogs were smiling.

But he wondered if Claire was even remotely happy about the situation. She saw a win-win for everyone and had made the offer. But he couldn’t imagine she’d be happy having him on her property.

A New Leash On Love

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