Читать книгу Let them all tell you what happened - Mercedes Pescador - Страница 15

Just the beginning Ekaterina Shapovalova Moscow, Russia


I am writing this note with mixed feelings inside. For me personally as a professional coach, consultant and lecturer, the crisis opened many new possibilities and provided a secure space for experiment, where the right for mistake is granted with acceptance. Having faced substantial external limitations people and myself are facing inwards to find and accept their personal limitations, vulnerabilities and imperfection, which in turn is the first and most important step to creativity, growth and professional integrity. I feel it like this since my profession and my passion is around the issue of change.

But I look outside of my window and imagine lives of many other people in Russia, who’s passion is stability, conservation in the survival mode. And I am scared to think of what social consequences this crisis will have for the majority of people who are losing jobs, struggling making means for living. For me as a Russian citizen the corona-crisis looks like the tiny first step into a wider and deeper social and political crisis in our country, where the need for change was long ignored and covered with propaganda of stability and total control. We are now at the doorway of major disillusionment and disappointment in our system that will follow and I am scared to forecast what will it take for people to overcome this…apathy, rage, revenge…?

And if I move further to the global context, I also see this crisis as a big test for humanity in accepting its limitations, its non-omnipotence, its vulnerability. But as well as a kind of trial of the distant or not so distant future where virtual will replace more and more the physical, but as we see it now, it will never replace it fully. We now all feel how much we need true human contact.

Let them all tell you what happened

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