Читать книгу Storm Force - Meredith Fletcher - Страница 2

Kate pulled alongside the prison bus and glanced inside the vehicle.


Nearly a dozen men sat in the uncomfortable seats behind the wire mesh screen that protected the driver and the armed guard in the front.

One of the prisoners sat at the window. Sunlight glinted from his unruly shoulder-length blond hair, picking up the streaks and highlights that summer had burned into it. His face was chiseled, but a few days’ dark beard growth covered his cheeks and jaw. Wide-spaced hazel eyes peered out from under dark brows that arched with sardonic amusement. Despite the shaggy look, the dimple in his chin plainly showed.

He glanced at his watch, then back at Kate. The amusement left his features and concern filled them.

Then the double explosion ripped through the Jeep’s interior.

Storm Force

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