Читать книгу Date with a Surgeon Prince - Meredith Webber, Meredith Webber - Страница 3


He’s just a man! she told herself, but that didn’t stop a tremble in the pit of her stomach as he looked around the room, dark eyes taking in the newcomer, his head nodding in acknowledgement, his eyes holding hers—a second or two, no more—and causing heat to sear downwards through her body.

‘So, we have a stranger in our midst,’ said this man who was causing the problems, his voice reverberating through her like the echoes of carillon bells. ‘And you are…?’

‘Marni Graham, sir,’ she said, hoping she sounded more in control than she felt.

‘In here I’m Gaz—just Gaz, Marni Graham,’ he said. ‘Welcome to the team.’

She really should say something—respond in some way—but her voice was lost somewhere in the general muddle of the new and unbelievably vital sensations she was experiencing right now.

Lust at first sight?

It can’t be, Marni argued with herself—but silently, and very weakly.

The man in question had pulled his mask up to cover his nose and mouth and seemed about to turn away, but before he did he smiled at her.

Of course she couldn’t see the smile, not on his lips, but she was certain it was there, shining in his eyes and making her feel warm and very, very unsettled.

Date with a Surgeon Prince

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