Читать книгу His Lady's Ransom - Merline Lovelace - Страница 2


His breath hissed out. “So that’s your game.”

“’Tis no game, Ian.”

“Listen to me, Madeline, and listen well. If it costs me all the fields I hold of Henry, you and the man you took as lover will not win at this.”

Flushing, she pushed herself to her feet. “He’s not my lover!”

“Then why do you want the freedom to wed where you will, if not with Guy Blackhair? What other poor fool have you smiled upon and teased and offered your body to, as you did to me?”

“There is no other man,” she spat, flicked to the raw. “None! But when I choose the man I will wed,’ twill be one I may smile upon without being called to task for it. One I may tease and laugh with and…and lust for with all my woman’s passion, without being thought a whore!”

His Lady's Ransom

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