Читать книгу Nursing the Soldier's Heart - Merrillee Whren - Страница 3


“Brady, where are you?”

“In here.” Funny how her voice quickened his pulse.

“Ready to go?” Kirsten poked her head through the doorway.

“Almost.” As he gazed at her, he noticed the little blotch of blue paint on her cheek. Without thinking, he reached over and rubbed his thumb across it.

“You have paint on your cheek.”

“I do?” Staring at him, she rubbed a hand across the place he’d touched.

His mind turned to mush, and all he could think about was spending more time with her.

“Mr. Brady, we’re done,” a little voice interrupted. Zach charged into the room and stopped abruptly, making Tyler nearly bump into his brother.

Brady smiled at the boys. “Would you guys like to grab a burger and meet Gram?”

The boys cheered.

“Am I invited, too?”

“Of course.” Brady grinned. Things were definitely looking up. Kirsten had invited herself to join them.

Brady couldn’t help thinking about the family picture the four of them presented.

Nursing the Soldier's Heart

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