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My heartfelt thanks go to the following people who helped me give life to The Wager:

Dianne Moggy, Editorial Director of MIRA Books, for believing in me and this project. Without her support, this book would never have been written.

Karen Kosztolnyik, my editor, whose support, guidance and patience were invaluable to me in the writing of this book.

Tara Gavin of Silhouette Books for her support and endorsement.

Linda Hayes, friend and former agent, for her years of encouragement and advice.

Karen Solem, my agent and guiding force, for her enthusiasm and support.

Sandra Brown, my dear friend and mentor, for her encouragement and support.

Dave and Judi Burrus, dear friends and hoteliers, who introduced me to the business of luxury hotels.

R. A. Jardine, banker and friend, whose surname served as inspiration.

Linda Kay, Hailey North, Rexanne Becnel,Erica Spindler and Karen Young, fellow authorsand friends, for their support and encouragement.

The remarkable, talented staff at MIRA Books fortheir support and expertise.

And as always, a very special thanks goes to my children and family whose love and understanding enables me to spin tales of love, hope and happily-ever-after.

The Wager

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