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“Don’t take this wrong, but you’re

a lot smarter than I gave you credit for.”

Equal parts furious and flattered, she glared at him for all she was worth. “How could I possibly take that wrong?”

Men misjudged her all the time, to the point where she’d actually resigned herself to it. To most of them, she was nothing more than a pretty accessory on their arm, something they wore like a designer watch to make them look good. That Ben had seen past her appearance to her intelligence pleased her immensely. If she hadn’t been so mad at him, she’d have complimented him for his perceptiveness.

Giving her a sheepish look, he took a step forward. Then another. He was getting close to violating her comfort zone, but she planted her feet and met his gaze without flinching. Cocking his head, he gave her a slow, approving grin. “I don’t scare you anymore, do I?”

“You never did.”

“Who was he?”

The blunt question caught her off guard, and she blinked in surprise. “Who was who?”

“The guy who made you afraid,” he clarified in an understanding voice. “The one who made you run away.”

Seaside Romance

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