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“You’re way too easy to talk to.”

“Yeah, I get that a lot. It must be the overalls.”

The sound of his own laughter surprised him. Scott marveled at how quickly she’d found a way to make him want to laugh again. “Must be. Well, that, and you ask a lotta questions.”

“Creative people are curious by nature,” Jenna informed him. “It comes with the territory when you hang out with me.”

Translation: This is who I am—take it or leave it. He admired her sassy attitude more than he could say. “Thanks for the warning. Ready for a refill?”

“Actually, what I’d really like is to see the chapel.” She tilted her head. “Do you have time to show it to me?”

He couldn’t think of anything he’d like half as much as spending some more time with the perky artist. “It’s in pretty rough shape, so I’m afraid there’s not much to see.”

“Sometimes things aren’t as bad as they seem on first glance.” Meeting his eyes with her direct, unflinching gaze, she smiled. “I prefer to see for myself and make up my own mind.”

He sensed she was referring to more than decrepit old buildings.

Finding His Way Home

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