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The Cells property


Another way to reference a range is to use the Cells property. You can use the Cells property, like the Range property, on Worksheet objects and Range objects. Check the Help system, and you see that the Cells property has three syntaxes.

object.Cells(rowIndex, columnIndex) object.Cells(rowIndex) object.Cells

Some examples demonstrate how to use the Cells property. The first example enters the value 9 in cell A1 on Sheet1. In this case, we're using the first syntax, which accepts the index number of the row (from 1 to 1048576) and the index number of the column (from 1 to 16384):

Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 1) = 9

Here's an example that enters the value 7 in cell D3 (that is, row 3, column 4) in the active worksheet:

ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 4) = 7

You can also use the Cells property on a Range object. When you do so, the Range object returned by the Cells property is relative to the upper-left cell of the referenced Range. Confusing? Probably. An example may help clear up any confusion. The following instruction enters the value 5 in the active cell. Remember, in this case, the active cell is treated as if it were cell A1 in the worksheet.

ActiveCell.Cells(1, 1) = 5

Excel 2019 Power Programming with VBA

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