Читать книгу Excel 2019 Power Programming with VBA - Michael Alexander, Dick Kusleika - Страница 160

Using predefined constants


Excel and VBA make available many predefined constants, which you can use without declaring. In fact, you don't even need to know the value of these constants to use them. The macro recorder generally uses constants rather than actual values. The following procedure uses a built-in constant (xlLandscape) to set the page orientation to landscape for the active sheet:

Sub SetToLandscape() ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Orientation = xlLandscape End Sub

It's often useful to record a macro just to discover the various constants that can be used. And, if you have the AutoList Members option turned on, you can often get some assistance while you enter your code (see Figure 3.2). In many cases, VBA lists all the constants that you can assign to a property.

FIGURE 3.2 VBA displays a list of constants that you can assign to a property.

The actual value for xlLandscape is 2 (which you can discover by using the Immediate window). The other built-in constant for changing paper orientation is xlPortrait, which has a value of 1. Obviously, if you use the built-in constants, you don't really need to know their values.

Excel 2019 Power Programming with VBA

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