Читать книгу Ordinary Time - Michael D. Riley - Страница 11



Come to the manger.

See the crossed

leg-brace rehearse.

Come to the manger

now. New breath

rises. Eyes clear.

Come to the manger

from anywhere.

Encompass one star.

Come to the manger

without distinction. Rejoin

the peaceable kingdom.

Come to the manger.

Straws of gold

nail up the light.

Come to the manger

tonight. Sheep plead

for the sleeping hills.

Come to the manger

along the old roads, singly

or together. Come as you were.

Come to the manger

over land and water. Air

will feed you. And fire.

Come to the manger

modest with miracle,

rebirth and rebirth.

Come to the manger

without frankincense or shoes.

Bring only your hunger

for what you dream

you cannot bear to lose.

Ordinary Time

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