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The creative sector forms a large part of the British and European economy, encompassing the following areas:



 Arts and antique markets



 Designer fashion

 Film, video and photography

 Musical and visual performing arts



 Software, computer games and electronic publishing


Business and creativity will always be an uneasy marriage, but it is a marriage of convenience and also a marriage of necessity.

With this book I want to empower and equip those who have creative passion, who have launched creative start ups and those who are growing creative businesses with the specialist knowledge I have gained from my experience as a creative entrepreneur. I also want to inspire the millions of people employed in creative industries in Britain and Europe to start their own businesses.

Drawing on my own experience, lessons I have learned, and what I have seen to work and to fail in my own businesses and those I have invested in or mentored, I have put together this easy-to-digest business book.

You don’t have to read it from front to back (but you can if you want!) It is arranged sequentially, taking you through the various stages of the business journey from start up, to growth, to the pressing question of what to do next when you close the book.

I do not hold myself up to be flawless, in fact I have tried to draw on my own successes and failures to impart knowledge to you. All entrepreneurs have their fair share of both, but the important thing is to come out on top.

I am fortunate to have had more successes than failures and I put that down to learning from mistakes and learning from others. You only come out on top through learning and education, and using this to add more value, and to create and implement better systems. This is good business. You won’t win every race, but pace yourself, train and win as many gold medals as you can.

A last point to note here is that throughout the book I have included spotlight case studies of some of Britain’s best creative sector companies. These are headed up by entrepreneurs who have a passion for their particular art form, and who have built a successful business around that. These should provide you with inspiration!

Use this book to regularly acquaint yourself with the tools you need to turn your creative passion into a viable, successful, long-term business.

The Business of Creativity

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