Читать книгу Redemption and Utopia - Michael Löwy - Страница 5



Introduction: The Defeated of History

1On the Concept of Elective Affinity

2Jewish Messianism and Libertarian Utopia: From ‘Correspondences’ to ‘Attractio Electiva

3Pariahs, Rebels and Romantics: A Sociological Analysis of the Central European Jewish Intelligentsia

4Religious Jews Tending to Anarchism: Martin Buber, Franz Rosenzweig, Gershom Scholem, Leo Löwenthal

5‘Theologia negativa’ and ‘Utopia negativa’: Franz Kafka

6Outside all Currents, at the Crossing of the Ways: Walter Benjamin

7The Religious-Atheist and Libertarian Assimilated Jews: Gustav Landauer, Ernst Bloch, Georg Lukács, Erich Fromm

8Crossroads, Circles and Figures: A Few Examples

9A French Exception: Bernard Lazare

Conclusion: ‘Historical Messianism’: A Romantic/Messianic Conception of History




Redemption and Utopia

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