Читать книгу Guide To Investing in Gold & Silver - Michael Maloney - Страница 10
Оглавлениеby Robert Kiyosaki
I’ve known Mike Maloney for some time now. One thing I always hear people say about Mike is, “That guy is really smart.” The reason they say this is because Mike knows a lot of facts—and I mean a lot of facts!
Plenty of people know facts. What sets Mike apart from the pack is his uncanny ability to connect the dots. Mike isn’t just a smart person. He is a visionary who can take a large amount of information and find usable and important patterns.
The book you have in your hands covers a lot of history. Specifically it covers the history of money, or as Mike would remind us, the history of money and currency, which are two entirely different things. In its pages you will discover how the interaction between money and currency has steered empires throughout time. And yes, it even steers the great American empire today. You will also see how that steering affects you and your financial well-being, and you will learn how to use it to your advantage.
But Mike isn’t just a historian. He’s an expert. Specifically, he’s an expert on gold and silver. Mike’s focus on history has a very important reasoning behind it—to make you wealthy.
Mike sees the same thing I’ve been seeing for quite some time now: Capitalism in America is sick, on life support, and close to dead. Our problem is a toxic dollar that undermines our economic vitality.
While I’m thrilled to see the gold I purchased for $300 only a few years back now worth so much more, I’m also saddened.
You might be thinking I’m crazy to say such a thing. How could realizing such substantial returns on my money possibly disappoint me? But it’s because I understand that when gold and silver prices rise like they currently are, it means that capitalism is stumbling. And when capitalism stumbles, everyday, hardworking people lose. They lose their life savings. Their house is foreclosed on. They watch their 401(k) loaded with stocks and mutual funds wither away to nothing. Meanwhile, the government bails out big corporations.
Not only that, but rising gold and silver prices also signal a rise in inflation, something Mike covers expertly and in great detail in this book. What that means for you and me is that the price of a gallon of milk keeps going up and up. It means gas prices will continue to rise. It means the basic things we need for existence get more expensive while our purchasing power diminishes. It means we are poorer every day.
For these reasons, I pray that gold doesn’t reach $5,000 an ounce. Rather, I hope that the dollar goes off life support and finds a way to get back on its feet again, and I dream of a day when our government officials are once again part of a system that is of the people, for the people, and by the people, not as Mike puts it so succinctly, “Of the bankers, for the bankers, and by the bankers.”
But once you’ve read this book, you’ll know as well as I that things probably won’t work out that way. And this is why Mike’s work here is so important. He has made it his mission to educate as many people as possible about what he coins “The greatest wealth transfer in history.” In this book you will learn about not just how to invest in gold and silver, but also why it is imperative for your financial well-being that you do so, and that you do so now
In many of my books I write about the importance of understanding today’s economy. It is not money that makes you wealthy, rather it is good information and a well-developed financial IQ. Lots of people are smart, but few have a good financial IQ.
But Mike has a tremendous financial IQ. You would do very well to heed his words and his warnings about the coming economic storm and the wealth transfer it will confer on those who have taken the time to moor their financial well-being to the rocks of gold and silver.
As Mike explains, the greatest transfer of wealth is coming, and gold and silver will be the major player in that wealth transfer. Whether you prepare yourself financially for this tremendous upheaval in our financial system by putting yourself in a position to grow wealth beyond your wildest imaginings is entirely in your power, and entirely up to you.
You are holding in your hand a steady compass for navigating this coming economic storm. Read it carefully, and take it to heart. I promise you’ll be glad you did.
– Robert Kiyosaki