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Thomières’ division marched past Maucune’s and was soon hurrying along the southern ridge, going further west. Brennier was to support them but had not yet moved. Wellington was having a late lunch when told the French were extending their left even more. After studying the movement he snapped his telescope shut with the words, ‘This will do, at last!’ and galloped the 5km (3 miles) to Aldeatejada and Pakenham and d’Urban.

The rapid French advance westward strung the French Army out over 6km (4 miles) and had opened a kilometre-wide gap between Thomières and Maucune, with Brennier too far back to cover it. This was the advantage Wellington had been seeking. He would attack across the valley, split the French, and launch a flank attack from Aldeatejada. It was time for battle. Having launched his right hook, Wellington ordered Cole’s and Leith’s divisions to attack in the centre covered by Portuguese brigades on their flanks, with Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton’s and Major General Sir John Hope’s divisions as a second line. Lieutenant General Sir Stapleton Cotton’s cavalry supported both attacks: Major General John Gaspard Le Marchant’s heavy and Brigadier General George Anson’s light brigades swung right to cover the central attack, while Brigadier General Victor Alten’s light cavalry joined d’Urban on the extreme right.



General Lord Arthur Wellesley, Viscount Wellington

Major General Lowry Cole

Major General Sir Edward Pakenham

Brigadier General Benjamin d’Urban

Major General Sir Charles von Alten

Brigadier General Eberhardt Bock

Lieutenant General James Leith

Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton

Major General Sir John Hope

Lieutenant General Sir Stapleton Cotton

Major General John Gaspard Le Marchant

Brigadier General George Anson

Brigadier General Victor Alten

Brigadier General Sir Denis Pack

Major General Sir Colin Campbell

General Don Carlos d’España


Marshal Auguste Marmont, Duke of Ragusa

General Maximillian Sebastien Foy

General Jean Guillaume Thomières

General Bonnet

General Sarrut

General Ferey

General Antoine François (Count) Brennier

General Bertrand (Count) Clausel

General Lord Arthur Wellesley, Viscount Wellington

Marshal Auguste Frédéric de Marmont

Marmont saw the danger and was riding along the southern ridge to issue orders to counter it when a shell blast dashed him from his horse. Command devolved upon Bonnet, but he too was soon severely wounded. Clausel was next in line, and aides quickly rode to his division to find him, but the French army was deprived of its command and control when the Allies struck.


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